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I've worked with (and on) a lot of APIs, and it's always frustrating dealing with those with poor documentation, both as a consumer and maintainer. So I made this.
API Documentation for Developers is aimed at showing devs how to do the API docs thing right—not just "have docs", but "have great docs", docs that will delight, not frustrate, your users and colleagues.
I've put in a lot of effort...

API Documentation for Developers
Learn how to make kickass API docs in this hands-on course

5+ hours of hands-on video content featuring real-world examples, comparisons and exercises, actual walkthroughs of documentation case studies, plus writing tips and resources to help you make friendly, maintainable, and testable API documentation.

API Documentation for Developers
Learn how to make kickass API docs in this hands-on course

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Simple and practical. Nice!

Generate random activities to do on a boring day

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Typo in your app description: "But feel like staying in the same place as yesterday?" should probably be "But feel like you're staying in the same place as yesterday?"
The first is interpreted as "do you feel like staying...?" (ie "do you want to stay...?"). The second is what you're probably going for.

Track the progress of your success

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Interesting idea. The slogans feel a bit generic, though (at least for the one I tried—IT & Technology).

Free Slogan Generator 2.0
Get the right slogan for your business

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This is an awesome idea! It's nice to know there are other devs in this situation.
Tools and resources for non artistic developers

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Love the concept, but why is sign up needed?🤔 ?makers

Twitter Search
Instantly search across your entire Twitter history

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I got inspired to build because I wanted to see how my Tweets (and my life, generally) had evolved over the years. You can do this via Twitter Search, but it's a lot of work. makes it easy.
I built and launched this in February 2019, and a number of developers contributed fixes, features and improvements to make it even better, thanks to the codebase being...

See what you've tweeted on this day in the past.

It's like Facebook's "On This Day", but for Twitter. The easiest way to look back on your Tweets from the past.
Source code:

See what you've tweeted on this day in the past.

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Hey everyone! New to PH, but I've planned to launch something here for a long time.👋
I built Tentacle because I love reading articles on blogs, but many blogs (even some popular ones!) don't have RSS feeds or mailing lists. (And besides, I don't really like the noise from all those emails.) Usually, I'd end up following the author's Twitter, but not all have one, and I also don't want to read...

Follow all your favourite blogs with a single newsletter

Add all the blogs you want to follow to Tentacle, and we'll send you a single email once a week containing any new posts on any of them. Works even when there's no RSS feed or mailing list. Get rid of the noise and read at your own pace.

Follow all your favourite blogs with a single newsletter

Download videos and GIFs off Twitter
Find a tweet containing a video or GIF.
💬 Mention @this_vid in a reply to the tweet.
⌚ Give it a minute, and @this_vid will reply with a link to your download. 🔗
Open Source

Need to download a video/GIF from a tweet? Mention the bot