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DeepSee is an all-in-one media platform that is revolutionizing content aggregation, distribution, verification, and monetization to build a global village of the highest value and integrity.

Building a diverse & transparent platform with blockchain

Travis Wright
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Very interesting for a new project @martechtalks that I'm working on. Do you by chance work on Unbounce pages? @eliast @craigdaniel @dcancel?
Drift for Enterprise
Automatically turn website traffic into sales meetings

Travis Wright
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I like the idea... and began the creation process... buttons don't pop up, it's hard to move to the next step. I had to click back a bunch to trigger the next stages. If I used a custom from scratch version, if you click video or image, you can't get to the next step. Cool idea, but it doesn't seem ready for primetime. Good luck. - Conversational Landing Page
Lead generation landing page as chatbot

Travis Wright
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Are you planning on adding a webcam functionality? I know that Vidyard has the ViewedIt chrome extension, and you can do a screenshare or a webcam... or combine both...

OneScreen - Screen Recording by OneMob
Record, Send and Track Video for Professionals

VB Engage 036 - Joseph Gordon-Levitt, AR sneakers, and a community of 500,000 friendly people
Hollywood comes a-calling, and we're happy to answer

VB Engage 036 - Stephane Kasriel, machine marketing, and the future of work
The one with the James Bond of marketing technology

VB Engage 035 - Katia Beauchamp, AI everywhere, and signing 1 million subscribers
The one with the really bad impersonations

VB Engage 034 - Robert Scoble, CES madness, and the iPhone 8 rumor mill
The one with the "clear iPhone" and the Hololens

VB Engage 033 - Paddy Cosgrave, network effect, and 360 degrees of guesses
The last one of the year, so we get all "predict-y"

VB Engage 032 - Alexis Ohanian, Reddit's influence, and predicting the future
The one with Reddit, The_Donald, and a crystal ball

VB Engage 031 - Alan Schaaf, $7 investments, and the future of AI
Recorded on stage in front of 1,100 people at Web Summit!

VB Engage 030 - Jessy Hanley, marketing secrets, and Instagram's Snapchat killer
Because imitation is the best form of flattery, right?

VB Engage 029 - Seth Besmertnik, being brutally original, and making Spectacles of yourselves
The one where we're confused before becoming enlightened

VB Engage 028 - Veronica Belmont, chatbot therapy, and 72 hours in Lisbon
The one where a Hollywood star pops in for a chat

VB Engage 027 - Alexis Fogel, Hillary's emails, and telling the truth at all times
The one where we talk about transparency

VB Engage 026 - Matt Asay
Vaguely Halloween-themed: Horrors for mobile & Twitter

VB Engage 025 - Ray Beharry, intelligent fridges, and the $600 million mobile game
LINE is flatlining, and Pokémon Go is breaking records