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Jasmine is the easiest way to track prices, verify renewable energy generators, and buy & sell Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs/RECs). Access liquidity on standardized commodity pools and trade efficiently with faster settlement and automatic retirement.
Jasmine Energy
Realtime climate asset trading

Jasmine is a decentralized market for climate assets that makes it easy to claim, trade, and redeem renewable energy certificates (RECs). Accelerating the net-zero transition by building climate asset markets that are accessible and transparent for everyone.

Decentralized market for climate assets

T. Dalton Combs
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This is pretty awesome. Any idea how long it typically sticks around in someone's gut?

Genetically engineered to prevent alcohol's next-day effects

T. Dalton Combs
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This is a great first application of the Juris platform!
DebtLetter by Juris
Make debt collectors stop harassing you.

Human behavior is programmable. You just need to know the code. Here we introduce Behavioral Design: a design framework for programming human behavior.
In this book we focus on a particular area of behavior design: Habits. How they work and how your product can use Behavioral Design to become a daily habit for your users.
Digital Behavioral Design
Human behavior is programmable. A book on product design.

T. Dalton Combs
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O man! An actual product? On the blockchain? Are you sure you don't just want to write a white paper?😉
Two questions:
Do you plan to offer liquid democracy?
How do you deal with user-validation/vote-selling/Sybil attacks generally?

An online voting system based on blockchain technology

T. Dalton Combs
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There are some thoughtful people at TSOL.
I hope this ends up being more of a friends making app than a dating app.

The School of Life App
Have deeper, more meaningful connections.

Space helps you get a moment of peace when you need it. We're not here to make you feel bad because it's not your fault: apps are designed to hook you.
Space for Chrome
Get a little breathing room from addictive websites

T. Dalton Combs
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Hi PH. The "Get It" link will take you to the iOS web app.
You can learn more about space at
Space for Android and Space for Chrome are on their way!
Be the first to hear when they're ready:
If you're having any trouble the website. Try opening it in Safari, not the product hunt in-app browser.
Unhook yourself from addictive iOS apps

Space helps you get a moment of peace when you need it. We're not here to make you feel bad because it's not your fault: apps are designed to hook you.
Unhook yourself from addictive iOS apps

T. Dalton Combs
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@chadbostick Thanks for the opportunity to talk about habit forming tech!

Hello Tech Pros: NeuroScience and APIs to Make Your App More Addictive
Dalton Combs of Dopamine Labs

T. Dalton Combs
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"Don't design a behavior that the a user wouldn't want if they knew everything that we know." -- @nireyal
This is similar to how I've though about this, but in practice, I have found it very hard to tell a "bad behavior" from a "behavior that is not for me." For example, there is food that is bad for you and food that is not to your taste, but without the science of nutrition it would be...

User Defenders: Hooked: How To Build Habit-Forming Products with Nir Eyal
Learn how to design habit-forming products for good.

T. Dalton Combs
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@nireyal That's a great new way to get the story out there!
The Science of Habit-Forming Products
(and how to build them)

Hack user engagement with Dopamine's Reinforcement API