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    Taylor Cotter
    Candidate Sourcing 101
    Candidate Sourcing 101
    An introduction to sourcing job candidates
    Taylor Cotter
    Structured Interviews 101
    Structured Interviews 101
    Embrace the most effective interview format.
    Taylor Cotter

    Definitive Guide To Applicant Tracking Systems is a comprehensive, structured guide to choosing the right applicant tracking system for your business.

    Definitive Guide To Applicant Tracking Systems
    Definitive Guide To Applicant Tracking Systems
    What to look for when buying an applicant tracking system.
    Taylor Cotter

    The Ultimate Guide To Job Posting is an ebook to help you write great job descriptions, find the best job boards & manage your candidates.

    The Ultimate Guide To Job Posting
    The Ultimate Guide To Job Posting
    Write job descriptions, find job boards + manage candidates
    Taylor Cotter
    Getting From Employee 5 to 50
    Getting From Employee 5 to 50
    The hiring guide every startup should read.
    Taylor Cotter

    Workable is the most popular recruiting software, trusted by over 6,000 companies to streamline their hiring.

    All-in-one recruiting software for ambitious companies