Tarik Kurspahic

Tarik Kurspahic

CTO World Data Exchange
286 points
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Tarik Kurspahic
Dungeon Scrawl is a free online mapmaking tool in open beta created by Keir (ProbableTrain). Create maps for tabletop games in minutes. Simple to grasp, while staying flexible enough to give skilled users the ability to create complex and intricate maps.
Dungeon Scrawl
Dungeon Scrawl
A dungeon scrawling tool
Tarik Kurspahic
ARX is a comprehensive open source software for anonymizing sensitive personal data. It supports a wide variety of (1) privacy and risk models, (2) methods for transforming data and (3) methods for analyzing the usefulness of output data.
ARX – Data Anonymization Tool
ARX – Data Anonymization Tool
Comprehensive software 4 privacy-preserving data publishing
Tarik Kurspahic
Recruiters, admissions officers, and potential dates are looking at your social media profiles. If you’re not careful, one thoughtless post from your past could ruin your chances of getting a job, an acceptance letter, or even your dream date.
TFP - That F'ing Post
TFP - That F'ing Post
You only get one chance to make a first impression!
Tarik Kurspahic
KNIME Analytics Platform is the open source software for creating data science. Intuitive, open, and continuously integrating new developments, KNIME makes understanding data and designing data science workflows and reusable components accessible to everyone.
End to end data science for better decision making
Tarik Kurspahic
UBDI is on a mission to empower people with their data as we work together to create a Universal Basic Data Income. To get there, we built a safe place where you can anonymously communicate, learn, and earn from your data with communities of people like you.
Universal Basic Data Income
Tarik Kurspahic
This app allows you to connect several social media photo sources (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc) either as a 1-time thing, or via digi.me (by downloading the app and creating an account) and finds the most popular. Allows for easy sharing from there.
Share your most popular photos from all your social networks
Tarik Kurspahic

It’s a given today that people are checking out your social profiles – before a job interview, before a date, and before you do pretty much anything. How confident are you that you’ve never posted anything that will come back to haunt you?

If your answer to that question isn’t a resounding “100%,” you need That F'ing Post.

TFP - That F'ing Post
TFP - That F'ing Post
Scour your social media to remove questionable posts
Tarik Kurspahic

Trolley is a simple shopping cart that's designed to work brilliantly with static sites, JAMstack, WordPress and any other CMS.

Take subscription payments, one-time payments, deposits and donations. You can set it up in 2 minutes with no coding experience.

The simplest way to take payments with Stripe
Tarik Kurspahic

When you land on the site, some tests are run on your browser. The tests are against data that any website can gather, but it displays the data in a format that’s easy to read. The hope is that the data will give developers some useful information about a user’s browser if they are struggling to track a bug down.

Get your browser info to share with tech support
Tarik Kurspahic
Developer Experience Platform for your APIs
Tarik Kurspahic

REST United is REST API made easy - just 4 steps to generate SDKs with easy-to-follow documentation and code samples.

Generate SDKs (REST API libraries) in 9 different programming languages.

Highly customizable documentation with sample source code to keep the developers engaged.

Leverage Postman to test and debug.

REST United
REST United
REST API made easy