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Rich Armstrong
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Friends chatting. Couldn’t imagine singing or shouting or cheering at a live game without, well, singing or cheering or shouting. How weird would that be? Unless you could. With an app. Or even better—a website! If I make any money from this I’m buying our oldest friend a Jacuzzi.
Corona-free shouting and cheering for live sports

Stop spraying and start shouting. Without spreading Corona. Push buttons to shout. Or whistle, cheer, shhh, click, and applaud! The best app ever. Safe. Healthy. And loud! And even louder when connected to a Bluetooth speaker.
Corona-free shouting and cheering for live sports

I made a rad (and free) iOS app for lazy humans and creative geniuses. It's called Random Word Doodle. It's for generating random words for your random word doodling brain workout (and other things maybe).

Random Word Doodle iOS App
An app that gives you a bunch of random words to doodle

Rich Armstrong
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I love getting new/different music emailed to me. I'd really like my history of songs sent to me to be visible somewhere, and for them all to be playable on a single platform. But those are minor things – this is a fantastic service.
Pros: Great new music!
Cons: The music shared is on different platforms

A Song A Day 2.0
Songs from humans, not robots delivered to your inbox daily