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Tanya Sharma
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Hey Joel! I stumbled on this post looking for exactly the same thing! What did you end up using in the end? Do you know of any agencies that could create these videos?
Many thanks!
What's the best tool for creating simple SaaS explainer videos?
Joel Schneider
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Tanya Sharma
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Hey Hugo, we've been researching and user testing on this problem for Indie makers and solopreneurs for over a year now. The answer to how people manage their development is a spectrum from "I don't have the time for it" to "I've tested every possible solution and built my system that I struggle to follow.
We're now building Wonderpath ( to solve this problem. If...
How many of you have invested in their self-development and done inner work?
Hugo Hamel
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Tanya Sharma
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When creating content, it's a good idea to look at search trends that are relevant to your product/ industry. You want to create content that people are looking for.
What are your tips on creating original, interesting content for your business? (SM, blogs, etc)
Martina Hackbartt
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Tanya Sharma
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Wow! This looks like a dream. Testing it right away.
PS: The website is fabulous too.
Create spreadsheets that fill themselves, without code

Tanya Sharma
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really depends on the story you tell and the reason for creating the video.
Personally for SaaS, it's nice to have explainer videos if your goal is to drive adoption. If you're just building a waitlist and testing messaging an animated story could work!
Type of Product Videos you like the most - Makers explaining their products Or Graphic Animations?
Kapil Gadhire
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Tanya Sharma
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congratulations on the launch, Atul!
Will check it out :)
I launched first info product on Product Hunt today. It's live now.
Atul Ghorpade
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Tanya Sharma
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Hey! I think this depends on the level of complexity of the tool.
Bubble has a steep learning curve, but we developed Wonderpath from scratch ( on it.
- Pick up Bubble if you have great design skills
- Steep learning curve
- Super customizable
- Create complex UI logic
- End product good enough to start charging users
- Pricing seems affordable 150$...
Any no-code tools to build SaaS on? If so which is best?
Rob Malcolm
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Tanya Sharma
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Congratulations on the launch - great idea to have a go-to space for discovering new tools! Just created a page, it was super quick and simple.
One suggestion: Would be cool if the categories we add were tags. This way we can filter and explore products by category.
Not a social media. Just product updates and sneak peeks.

Tanya Sharma
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We use Coda internally, and I love Coda packs. The way Coda and Zapier can turn documents into apps truly!
Coda has allowed us to:
- Automate user feedback from various channels and populate it into tables
- Create graphs and charts out of data super easily
You're right about using Notion as a Wiki. We do use it as a resource library and somehow the UI is more intuitive for public pages - but...
Coda vs Notion?
Matthew Busel
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Tanya Sharma
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Webflow is the absolute best tool I've used for websites!
What's the easy to learn and fast to build website builder (NO CODE) you tried?
Atul Ghorpade
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Tanya Sharma
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Depends on your use case and stage. I'm a huge fan of sending non-designy emails in the early days especially.
We use Airtable <> Sendgrid. Airtable manages our user database and SendGrid ensures deliverability (you can add all users with your domain as verified senders to!)
Your preferred CRM platform for a SaaS Startup?
Kapil Gadhire
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Tanya Sharma
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My co-founder and I were flatmates before we became co-founders. We wrote about some traits that make for a great co-founder here on our blog (
It's a great idea to look for co-founders in people you've worked with in the past. If you already have an idea, it's great to join founder communities and connect with others who are...
How to find your Co-founder and Founding team?
Rushikesh Kavathekar
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Tanya Sharma
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I absolutely love the resources on survey design and UX research from Maze.
If you haven't checked out the question bank (
that @ash_oliverrr created, do it! :)
What questions do you ask during customer interviews?
Alexey Shashkov
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Tanya Sharma
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Hey Nim,
My co-founder (@dafnihnd) and I have an annual ritual of reflecting and documenting our learnings. We also wrote about our 2021 here: :)
In case you want to join this reflection exercise in a guided way, we're doing this together under the hashtag #GrowInPublic on Twitter, check our launch tweet:...
How do you reflect on the past year and set goals for 2022?
Nim Ron
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Tanya Sharma
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Thanks for sharing these tips and learnings, Paul! Could you elaborate on point 3? What volume of paid traffic did you try out?
Takeaways on building a SaaS (bootstrap, 230k users, x2.5 YoY)
Paul Mit
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Tanya Sharma
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Love that it's created on Coda!
First 1000 Users Guide
Interactive guide to go from ideation to first 1000 users

Tanya Sharma
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The graphics and copy make meeting stats actionable! Great execution :)
2021 Your Year In Meetings
Get your free end of year meeting report now

Tanya Sharma
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Great resource! Thanks for creating it :)

Hive Index
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Tanya Sharma
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I would say it depends on the kind of product you're building.
For side panels: Canva, Pitch, Miro have side navigation. The core idea of the product is to do 1 task, and the side panel allows for adding hierarchy - in the form of folders within that task.
If the user can do multiple things within a product that are connected but dont necessarily follow a hierarchy, a top panel works better....
Sidebar v/s Top navigation
Anupama Panchal
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Tanya Sharma
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Discipline for sure to stay on track! It's important though to revisit your goals regularly and allow yourself to drop or change them.
⚡ Motivation vs Discipline ⚡
Ivanna Wendel
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