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Tammy Gu
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Hi Hunters!
My name is Tammy, Chief Design Officer for Harness and #1 design enthusiast for! 🎨
What I've loved about developing Univa and seeing our community grow is getting to know some of the truly incredible innovators tackling the world's most pressing issues. Our community holds so much talent, an unbelievably contagious amount of motivation and drive, and a deeply inspiring...
All-in-one startup platform to find jobs, mentors & more

Powered by Harness - The platform provides access to a network of 8k+ members. You can find jobs/internships, build teams, meet co-founders, gain support for your ideas, lend your expertise to others, discover startup resources/funding & more!
All-in-one startup platform to find jobs, mentors & more

Tammy Gu
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Congratulations on your launch, Carbon 0! I love how you're making conversations around sustainability so accessible :)

Carbon 0
Be A Hero Get To 0 - Mobile AR Game To Save The Planet

Explore hundreds of ideas to engage your kids so that you CAN work-from-home. Search our crowd-sourced activity list by age, screens, parental involvement, and more. Read articles on what you need to know to survive quarantine with kids.
The Ultimate Guide to WFH with Kids
Awesome ways to engage your kids when you work-from-home