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Tamar Rucham
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Tamar Rucham
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Hi everyone,
Just submitted my first product! The ParentScheduler is a collaborative tool for parents to help manage children's time. Also added features specific to help manage kids time at home, given these current times. If something like this could be interesting to you, I'd love your feedback! (currently available in USA, Israel and South...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 1st of June)
Aaron O'Leary
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Tamar Rucham
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With so many productivity tools for work, I really felt I could use a tool to help manage my family schedule as well. So in the past few months I've build one!
It's been a crazy ride so far and the journey's just getting started. Would love to hear what you think of and what would make this product awesome for your family!

Children's schedules made simple

The ParentScheduler is a collaborative tool for parents to help manage children's schedules. It's a place for your kids activities, allowing you to set drop offs, pick ups or who's in charge for each activity.

Children's schedules made simple

Tamar Rucham
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I think that while no one can travel atm a lot of us are dreaming of the time we can start traveling again, and perhaps lamenting the trips we were suppose to have (I will get to do my India trip some day...)
I don't know what your travel tool is going to be but in the current atmosphere I think there's room for trip planners and dream builders ;) We all need something to look forward to and...
How to get from 0 to 0.1
James Bryce - Lind
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Tamar Rucham
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My product aims to help parents in managing children's schedules. I was about to release when COVID19 started and since I was focusing on drop offs and pick ups suddenly it became irrelevant. So I updated my product to allow parents to manage children's time at home as well. I hope this can help parents navigate these complicated times since suddenly everyone's home and a new balance needs to...
What are you doing to pivot as an entrepreneur during COVID19?
Carlos Gil
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