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Save time & money: Hand-curated list of elite professionals & resources to simplify your search for reliable recruiters, software & vendors for your startup.

Recruiting Firms for Startups
Curated Directory of Top Recruiters, Software, and Vendors

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This directory is designed to simplify your search for reliable recruiters, software, and vendors for your startup. I've hand-curated a list of elite professionals and resources, saving you time and money by eliminating the need for endless searching and costly trial and error.
With this directory, you'll have access to valuable insights on clients, investors, and founders, giving you the...

Recruiting Firms for Startups
Curated Directory of Top Recruiters, Software, and Vendors

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Congratulations on the launch!!! 🚀
Twig AI
AI to answer complex technical questions from customers

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Hey Product Hunt Community! 👋🏼 So many tools are being built that it can be hard to keep up with them all. Check out and bookmark the gpt-3 mirco product directory! Which tool are you bookmarking?🔖

GPT Micro Products
The GPT powered products you should bookmark

Curated list of micro products powered by GPT-3 that will help you name your cat, create excel formulas, generate blog ideas and more.

GPT Micro Products
The GPT powered products you should bookmark

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Hey Product Hunt Community 👋🏼
No doubt GPT has transformed the way we work. Today, my team and I are excited to share the first version of gptPremium! With the goal of keeping productivity levels high and creative juices flowing - we're launching a premium alternative for when ChatGPT is down or rate limiting. 🚀
Would love to hear feedback on how we can make this experience better and more...

Get GPT answers with no downtime

The premium alternative for when ChatGPT is down or rate limiting you.

Get GPT answers with no downtime

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No code, no problem. Would love to see if there are other resources that need to be added!

GPT No-Code Resource List
No-code resources for GPT-3 builders

A curated resource library for AI no-code developers. Discover the best tools and guides to start building your GPT-3 product without code.

GPT No-Code Resource List
No-code resources for GPT-3 builders

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Looking for the next big thing? When you can’t beat them, join them. Highlighting the top companies in the gen ai space. What do you think - anyone missing?

Gen AI Startups
Curated ai startups. Break into the breakout industry

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“Be afraid. But also be excited. And more important than what you feel is what your feelings are telling you to do! Fear is telling us to run away. But we can’t run away from this. So we need to run toward it.”
Super excited for us to share our thoughts and resources on building a career in gen ai.

Join Gen AI
Gen AI career guide for software engineers

A guide for software engineers explaining why you should work in generative ai, and things you need to know to understand what companies to look for.

Join Gen AI
Gen AI career guide for software engineers

List of the top 50+ gen ai startups all software engineers and researchers should know about.

Gen AI Startups
Curated ai startups. Break into the breakout industry

GPT Appstore makes it possible to build your own GPT-3 tool using no-code. Enter your OpenAI key, write your prompt, and see your app published. It’s not pretty... Waiting for GPT to generate UI. For now, apps require approval before it’s published.

GPT No-Code Appstore
Build and publish your own GPT web app without coding

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Excited to share this new tool to help non-developers create GPT tools! I know it's not super pretty. Waiting for GPT to get skilled enough to generate UI. For this version, the app also requires an approval process before it’s published. But excited to hear feedback!

GPT No-Code Appstore
Build and publish your own GPT web app without coding

The Top 36 Gen AI Startups of 2022 as voted by the Gen AI News and gpt-List team and community.
Some categories are:
⚙️ Most Technically Impressive Startup
🏗️ The Infrastructure Tools Critical for Gen AI Builders
🤖 Startup Most Likely to Build AGI

Gen AI 36
Top 36 Gen AI Startups of 2022

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Quick thank you to all for your support and excitement around gpt-list. We're just getting started and can't wait to share and build more.
Update on our end:
📰 We launched genai news, a daily newsletter about all things gpt and gen ai!
Check out some of our latest editions and subscribe if you're curious:
In the meantime, keep the feedback comin and let us...

The curated list of GPT-powered products