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Martin Javier Stojka
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Thanks @chrismessina for the hunt!
Hey Product Hunt family!
I am Martin, co-founder of HotMusic. It’s great to be here.
We have a special offer just for you: AdFree($2) purchase for free. Simply send us a message saying something nice through the feedback button (settings>feedback) in the HotMusic app.
We've been working hard for the last year. It has all started a couple of months ago....

The hottest songs before they hit charts

The hottest songs before they hit charts

Martin Javier Stojka
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The great idea and design. I try to be more effective in the morning but my time managment isn't good. I think this can help me. :)

Morning Rituals
The most successful people follow morning routines

Martin Javier Stojka
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It will help us. Thank you!

Parse to OneSignal Push Importer
Easily migrate to OneSignal's 100% free push service.

Martin Javier Stojka
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I guees this will for 25% of all developers very useful. :D

Migrate from Parse without a new binary or changing code

Martin Javier Stojka
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Good bye Parse! :(

Parse Server
The open source Parse Server Node.js application.

Martin Javier Stojka
left a comment
Good job! We were wainting for this so long. This will be very helpful for every developer and marketing manager. :) I like your design

Mobile Dashboards by Mixpanel
Monitor your key metrics, everywhere you go

Martin Javier Stojka
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This is cool feature. I like that I can filter my favorite genres.

SoundCloud Charts
The most played tracks on SoundCloud this week