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Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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omg this is soooooo nice and important! thanks for this!!
Carrot Care
Carrot Care
Understand & optimise your bloodwork
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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I'll post on Linkedin about your top 3
Steffi Nicolaïdes
What would be your top 3 advices to start any marketing on a company?
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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What's one of the most irritating phrases you hear about marketing?

I'll start: "Oh, that's just Marketing bullshit".... when talking about a product/service they feel is not honest, right or feel useful to them. What about yours?
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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Trust my gut (and 25+ interviews) to create my SaaS
Nathan Covey
What is the best business decision you’ve ever made?
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Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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Share your best playlist/music to work to

I'll start with: "Tony Stark's workshop Radio", you'll find plenty on YouTube!
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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Looking for english-speaking testers!

Anyone that is a marketer, a founder, a marketing freelance, or even an agency consultant. To test, you only need to add me on Linkedin, and send me a message: We need to test english-speaking people for our Marketing SaaS: Can't wait to have your feedback!! ✨
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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What made you think they were fake follower accounts?
Business Marketing with Nika
Fake accounts on Twitter: Ignore or Remove them?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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Zapier is really nice, I agree! Gemini and GPT of course are really helping me!
Rupal Saini
Which AI tools have made a big impact on your workflow recently?
+1 comment
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
left a comment to know the power of your marketing on your leads and activity.
Abdul Rehman
What's the best SaaS tool you've discovered recently?
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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meeting my best friend for lunch and work remote with her for the whole day!
Abdul Rehman
What's one thing you're grateful for today?
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
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salted breakfast! or bowlcake!
What is your favorite breakfast food?
Armand Brouillard
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