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Hi all,
We made a simple chrome extension to watch trending videos on YouTube, by country and category. Hope you like it :)

Popular50 - Chrome Extension
Easiest way to watch YouTube trending videos

Easiest way to watch YouTube trending videos, by each country and category

Popular50 - Chrome Extension
Easiest way to watch YouTube trending videos

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Our YouTube page is cluttered with subscriptions & trending section is not complete with categories. So, we came up with which lets you watch most trending videos from YouTube in realtime.📈
This is an improvement to previous,
1. New countries and categories have been added 🏳
2. Single Page Application 📱
3. Improved design & UX
Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎅🏽

Popular50 2.0
Front-page of YouTube

Real time YouTube trending videos - sorted by 104 countries and 10 categories

Popular50 2.0
Front-page of YouTube

HitLyst, a stylish Twitter client, offers 20k+ curated Twitter lists with 250k+ verified accounts to follow interest-based timelines & powerful timeline filters. HitLyst allows following city & country trends with customisation options.

HitLyst for Twitter
Yet another Twitter client- better, cleaner and with a twist

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Some of us seem to have a love-hate relationship with Twitter. We can’t seem to stop complaining about it and yet we use it.
My twitter timeline stopped making sense long time ago once I started following 500+ accounts. From cat videos, to serious journalism it’s filled with tweets with no relevance. “Unfollow all” has become my monthly chore. So we came up with HitLyst for Twitter and...

HitLyst for Twitter
Yet another Twitter client- better, cleaner and with a twist

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Nice! Saw this sometime back on Reddit:
Netflix categories codes
Find hidden Netflix categories by their codes

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Wait, I saw this in the Flutter event. It's amazing.

The History of Everything
Explore events from the BigBang to the birth of the Internet

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This is fantastic. Simple and powerful. I might use this everyday.

Find on Apple Music
Search for any song on Apple Music from the web

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I love it. Will be awesome to something like this exists for Netflix/Prime.
Quick suggestion. Why not provide search results within the app itself ? I'm guessing YouTube Data API v3 provides it.

Simple Mac app for floating a YouTube video on your screen

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I wonder where these guys placed the cheese in Hamburger emoji. Apple, Google & Microsoft seems to have different views on that.

Twitter’s open source emoji featuring 2,841 emojis for free

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Looks great. Clean and well thought out.
Any plans to integrate with Jira ?
Visual collaboration tools for devs, designers, and clients.

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Hi all,
We wanted our YouTube front page to be like our TV, display what's trending by interest. For some reason, YouTube starts with what it's recommended videos are, trending videos are not categorised. So we made Popular50.
With Popular50, you can watch any countries' 50 trending videos and change category from button placed top right. Site is mobile optimised.
Coming soon: Chrome...

Trending videos on YouTube, by country and interest.

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Very clean and to the point. Just a thought - it'll be great if one can use the assumptions and share the rationale & result on social network - may be social network within the tool.
And a quick question: are you considering growth rate compounded or simple ?
Overall great product, mate.

Stock valuation calculator
Figure out what the 'fair value' for a stock is

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Hi there,
Thank you for amazing response for HitLyst v1. We heard you over last 5 months and we revamped our iOS app. All new features are built in the spirit of making it easier for everyone to use Twitter lists more.
1. Revamped UI for iOS
2. Cent Feed - User can follow feed from curated Top100 list of all countries available. (More like “Front Page” of Twitter)
3. Ability to favourite...

HitLyst 2.0
Use Twitter lists like a pro

HitLyst 2.0 offers curated Twitter lists of verified accounts and global trends. You can add a list or a trend to app home and follow feed from the list(without having to “follow” each account).

HitLyst 2.0
Use Twitter lists like a pro

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interesting. is there a way to try this ?
Fastest web spreadsheet for Big Data