Sophia Kim

Sophia Kim

Co-founder, Gen AI, future of work
56 points


👋 Hey there! I’m Sophia Kim, the creator of Paca, a codeless workflow automation tool that makes it super easy for professionals to automate their tasks. I am passionate about simplifying repetitive tasks and enhancing productivity through innovative automation solutions. With a background in computer science and business, I love diving into tricky optimization challenges while keeping user experience front and center. My goal is to make our platform accessible and intuitive for everyone—no coding skills required! I love collaborating with our community to gather feedback and ideas, so I’m excited to connect with fellow creators, entrepreneurs, and users here on Product Hunt. I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas, so feel free to reach out!


Founder & Leadership



Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • PACA Web Automation
    PACA Web Automation
    One-click web data scraping and workflow automation
    Sep 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntNovember 23rd, 2023