Sofia Drankovich

Sofia Drankovich

Web-designer. Customer-focused solutions
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Sofia Drankovich
Sofia Drankovich
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An easy way to increase productivity is by delegating. e.g. If you need to do UX/UI design you can deligate it to me 😊
Shanmukh Gudivada
What are you searching for in a productivity tool that can simplify your life?
Shanmukh Gudivada
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Sofia Drankovich
Sofia Drankovich
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It's so important to find ways to impact on your inspiration and to tune your mood to work.
Sadath N
Feeling uninspired is the worst feeling in the world as a creative person.
Sofia Drankovich
Sofia Drankovich
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No doubts, it's Figma!
Ghulam Abbas
What are the best graphic designing tools?