Simona Stamatovska

Simona Stamatovska

a heartfelt marketer hanging around.
77 points
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Simona Stamatovska
Simona Stamatovska
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Best AI and/or Web3 tools you've come across? [help needed]

Hi PH folks, I'd appreciate your input in suggesting AI and Web3 tools you've personally tried and use frequently. We would love to feature your tool suggestions in our weekly newsletter dedicated to web3 and AI news and resources. Also please feel free to promo your product if fits in these categories. Thank you in advance!
Simona Stamatovska
Simona Stamatovska
started a discussion

Your 2023 web3 wrapped is here 🎁

Heya everyone! The web3 scene has been a wild ride in the last 12 months 🎢 Dive into the coolest moments with our '2023 web3 wrapped' guide here: Got any big guesses for web3 in 2024? Please share them below ⬇️ May your holiday season be merry and your New Year bullish! Cheers!