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Shina Charles Memud
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Hello everyone, my name is Shina Memud and I am the founder of Yournotify, we launch Yournotify to solve 3 deep problems for businesses:
1. Affordability: We realized the standard monthly pricing model does not work in major countries and regions such as Nigeria and Africa in general so we we introduced pay-as-you pricing model instead of monthly subscription
2. Localized Pricing: Most tools...

Marketing platform for business - email, SMS, digital asset

Yournotify platform provides the tools and resources that helps businesses of all sizes create efficient and affordable email and sms marketing campaigns and manage their digital assets in one place

Marketing platform for business - email, SMS, digital asset

Shina Charles Memud
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Fantastic tool and hope to give it a trial someday, not sure if 14 days trial is enough for startup like us and certainly no intention to subscribe to another monthly bill. @collinmathilde are you in any benefit program for startups?

Front 3.0
Team Inboxes for Email, Twitter, Text & more

Shina Charles Memud
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Can you maybe add a feature to highlight which one went to heaven or hell? LMAO
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Shina Charles Memud
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Guys, kudos with your product. We're using it daily @ YourNotify. I recently tested your BOT and I love love love the automated email subscription but while testing it, I noticed there is no validation?
How are you solving this to reduce/remove junk emails?
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