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Shashank Sharma
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Featured on in Top 10 Android Wear apps

Torelo - To Wear Your Content
EasySharing texts and images with Torelo to your AndroidWear

Shashank Sharma
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Mirror WhatsApp notifications across devices

Mirror WhatsApp notifications across devices

Shashank Sharma
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Tag your favorite apps, and search them easily. No more need of folders! No more need to look through all apps to find your app! Tagging app will simplify the process of grouping apps and searching them.
- App search based on app names and tags
- Rename apps using tags
- Hide apps to come in search result
- Clickable tags
- Auto keyboard focus to minimize efforts
- App usage learning,...

Tag apps to search and access apps faster.

Shashank Sharma
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Monitoring different timezone just one slide away

Shashank Sharma
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Add your home or someone special's timezone time to notification panel, so you don't have to go back to home or lock screen to check there time to make call, drop message or do something special.
- Choose your desirable time format
- Option to automatic start on change in timezone
- Customizable notification message
- Option to start app on startup
- Add click action to start your...

Monitoring different timezone just one slide away

Monitoring different timezone just one slide away

Shashank Sharma
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Looking forward for feedback and suggestions. Thanks for checking by. :)

Torelo - To Wear Your Content
EasySharing texts and images with Torelo to your AndroidWear

Shashank Sharma
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Check this post for more details

Torelo - To Wear Your Content
EasySharing texts and images with Torelo to your AndroidWear

Shashank Sharma
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Torelo simplifies the process of sharing and carrying texts or images on your Android Wear device. It gives you option to keep multiple texts and images in your Android Wear device for quick access. You can also share text back to Android phone for editing or copying to clipboard for further use. And with timer and snooze option get your content available when required.

Torelo - To Wear Your Content
EasySharing texts and images with Torelo to your AndroidWear

Torelo - To Wear Your Content
EasySharing texts and images with Torelo to your AndroidWear