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Real-time flight status and global aviation database. You can get IATA / ICAO codes for airports, cities, airlines, routes, fleets, as well as additional data on countries, taxes, time zones and more.

Real-time flight status and global aviation data provider

Sergey St.
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Hi mates,
We are excited to share our product with the community and look forward to new partnerships and many amazing collaborations 🚀

Real-time flight status and global aviation data provider

The world's largest plant database.
Find interesting, useful and profitable plants to grow and sell.
For hobbyists, gardeners, businesses, farmers, researchers and everyone.

Let's Plant
Smart way to choose the right plant.

Sergey St.
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Hello, community!
This is my first launch on ProductHunt.
Incredibly, I spent about two years creating it, hanging out under palm trees on islands in Thailand and Bali.
This project was created almost single-handedly with 1-3 hours of work a day, sometimes 24 hours a day, and it looks like it was time to find employees, co-founders, and investors.
Which I had never done either.
I just want...

Let's Plant
Smart way to choose the right plant.