Cashew Money is a service that provides free, personalized financial plans for those in their 20s.
Why free?
Most people in their 20s are stressed about their money, but don't have the energy, time, or money to figure it out. Our goal is to solve that problem first for free, and bring other services into the market afterwards.

Cravingz is a restaurant review app that focuses exclusively on Asian food.
We didn't feel that the current apps out there did Asian food justice, and couldn't find a better alternative, so here we are!
How do you review restaurants?
We run editorial style. We go, we eat, we talk and cross-validate our experiences, and then write!

GunBae is the easiest way for professionals to network in a non-awkward setting. Changes since V1.0 (known as HelloRun):
🍻Choose to grab a beer instead of a run
🆓Memberships are free
📍Open to all cities, not just NYC