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Sean Kelly
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Simon Cohen’s doctors thought it was a heart attack.
Back in 2006, the self-professed workaholic was on a business trip in China on behalf of Henco, the global logistics company his founded in Mexico at the age of 24. But not everything was going well. Simon could barely eat, and only slept a few hours at a time. He spent his days meeting with his partners in Hong Kong, and stayed up all...

Awesome Office - From the Back of an Ambulance to the Top of His Industry
How Simon Cohen Transformed Henco with Happiness

Awesome Office - From the Back of an Ambulance to the Top of His Industry
How Simon Cohen Transformed Henco with Happiness

Sean Kelly
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Product Hunters - here's a startup story I found profoundly informative:
In the CPG space, most entrepreneurs, start with a product. They might stumble upon some product innovation, and see their job as merely to figure out how to sell it. Things like brand and story are usually afterthoughts. Livio Bisterzo tried something different. What if, he wondered, instead of starting with a product,...

Awesome Office - How Hippeas Landed In 18,000 Stores by Telling the Right Story
with Hippeas CEO Livio Bisterzo

Sean Kelly
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Product Hunters - seeing as February is the time of year most closely associated with love, we’re shifting gears this month to focus on love, compassion, and empathy in the workplace.
For many, love in the workplace is still a bit of a taboo subject. It wasn’t long ago that the office was a strictly unemotional place. Heavy emotions just weren’t discussed, let alone celebrated or...

Awesome Office - 9 Tips to Create a More Loving, Giving, & Profitable Company
The Better Angels of our Nature Can Make a Better Business

Awesome Office - 9 Tips to Create a More Loving, Giving, & Profitable Company
The Better Angels of our Nature Can Make a Better Business

Sean Kelly
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Each year, 190 CEOs from 40 different countries gather at Harvard Business School for an intense week of learning, teaching, and sharing. It’s a truly special program organized by the Young President’s Organization that brings together some of the best and brightest leaders around the globe. I'm lucky enough to be among them.
In this episode, I examine the top learnings from another immersive...

Awesome Office - Top Lessons on Leadership from Harvard
Takeaways from an immersive week at Harvard Business School

Awesome Office - Top Lessons on Leadership from Harvard
Takeaways from an immersive week at Harvard Business School

Sean Kelly
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Product Hunters -
This week we explore a phenomenon that few leaders understand, and even fewer take full advantage of, despite the powerful effect it can have on your company. We’re talking about the office subculture.
Sure, a lot of leaders are starting to come around on the idea of company culture. But what about subcultures? How do they work, and how might they have a place in your...

Awesome Office - How to Unlock the Hidden Power of Office Subcultures
A culture within your company culture can be a great thing.

Awesome Office - How to Unlock the Hidden Power of Office Subcultures
A culture within your company culture can be a great thing.

Sean Kelly
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Product Hunters -
For a lot us, the beginning of a New Year is all about change.
Our sights are set on changing our diet, changing our habits, changing our careers – changing our lives.
But as we explore in this week’s episode none of this change is possible unless we first change our beliefs.
Hold your beliefs constant and your life is guaranteed to stay the same.
Change your beliefs...

Awesome Office - The Top 3 New Beliefs to Experience a Better & More Fulfilling Life
Want to change in 2017? Start with your beliefs

Awesome Office - The Top 3 New Beliefs to Experience a Better & More Fulfilling Life
Want to change in 2017? Start with your beliefs

Sean Kelly
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Product Hunters -
The New Year isn’t just a chance to hit the reset button on our individual goals, it’s also a great opportunity to start a new path for your company and its culture.
At SnackNation and Awesome Office Inc., we’ve started 2017 in a brand new 21,000 square foot space, and it’s reenergized the entire company after a fast-paced year that saw growth in every aspect of the...

Awesome Office - 8 Ways to Transform Your Company in the New Year
Don't spend a dime on the transformation!

Awesome Office - 8 Ways to Transform Your Company in the New Year
Don't spend a dime on the transformation!

Sean Kelly
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PHers - this week we've got a unique spin on a controversial topic:
Most leaders shy away from it. It makes people uncomfortable, and the mere mention of it can inspire off color jokes, or send grown men and women into fits of nervous laughter.
We’re talking about sex, of course. In the workplace.
Well, not sex exactly, but sexual energy. As author, coach, and expert Diana Chapman...

Awesome Office - How to Harness Sexual Energy in the Workplace
Part 2 w/ Author Diana Chapman

Awesome Office - How to Harness Sexual Energy in the Workplace
Part 2 w/ Author Diana Chapman

Sean Kelly
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Product Hunters,
We've got a brand new episode for you featuring Diana Chapman, the co-author of one of our absolute favorite books, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership.
In this enlightening conversation, Diana sheds new light on the subject of stress, and explains how many of us are actually addicted to the adrenaline that comes along with it. It’s why so many of us consider...

Awesome Office - How to End Your Stress Addiction
Pt. 1 with author Diana Chapman

Awesome Office - How to End Your Stress Addiction
Pt. 1 with author Diana Chapman

Sean Kelly
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Fellow Product Hunters -
If you’ve ever listened to the show, you probably know that we get FIRED UP around this time of year. And not just for things like holiday parties and time spent with loved ones.
We get amped by the fact that the holidays are the perfect time to reflect, reset, and look ahead to the coming year.
Yep, it’s the time for ANNUAL GOAL SETTING.
(Fired up yet??)
In this...

Awesome Office - Ten Steps to Become Your Best You in 2017
Get ready to crush the New Year

Awesome Office - Ten Steps to Become Your Best You in 2017
Get ready to crush the New Year