Sarthak M. Das

Sarthak M. Das

Drunk Startups live on PH ๐Ÿš€ today
242 points
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Sarthak M. Das
A place to hang out with your remote team and play games in small groups. All new & improved, Thursday 2.0 is a major upgrade from our first release. With more mixers, more templates, and more fun! No sign-up required. Nothing to install. Free to use.
Thursday by PLG Works
Where remote teams build strong culture, no sign up required
Sarthak M. Das
Drunk startups = crazy ideas + whiteboarding + pitching + funding

All of this over a fun social that you can host for your remote team.

Try this brand new mixer from Thursday for free. No credit card required.
Drunk Startups by Thursday
A crazy whiteboarding activity for remote teams
Sarthak M. Das
Remote teams alert! Thursday has got 3 new conversational mixers for you: Speed 1-on-1s, Mindful talks, and Know your team. Way better than your regular water cooler chats. Donโ€™t take our word for it. Try it yourself with your team.
Conversations by Thursday
Time for new social rituals for your remote team
Sarthak M. Das
A classic activity reimagined for remote teams. A brand new mixer by Thursday.

Act out a word given by the opposing team and make your own team guess it in 60s.

Donโ€™t just break the ice, shatter it with Charades!
Ready for an Oscar-worthy performance? No sign-up required
Sarthak M. Das
Three statements. One of them is a lie.

1. 2 truths & a lie can only be played on a Thursday.
2. It is more fun to play 2 truths and a lie with my team than by myself.
3. Thereโ€™s no sign-up, no installing, no ads.

Which one is it?

Share your answers below.
2 Truths & a Lie
A boring team activity by Thursday: Truth or Lie?
Sarthak M. Das
Bookmark important moments of your Zoom calls in real-time and easily turn long recordings into bite-sized video clips. Free while in Beta. Works with licensed (paid) Zoom accounts only.
Listener for Zoom
Highlight, transcribe & create short video clips from Zoom