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@tdinkar - Very cool stuff!
1. Is DGraph the datastore for Slash?
2. Anyway to run DQL on Slashs datastore for advanced querying?
3. I've been using Hasura quiet a bit and absolutely love it. Authentication, Subsbcriptions, Graphql its pretty much got everything i need and it just works. What would you say are the advantages to Slash over Hasura ( apart from the self managed part )
Slash GraphQL - by Dgraph Labs
Launch your GraphQL backend in one click

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@lukemulks Does everything go through a central server or is direct IP to IP webrtc? Thanks

Brave Together
Private and unlimited video calling by Brave.

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Hi, @copple - Whats the advantage over Hasura? I've been using Hasura and really love it. Thanks!

Supabase (Alpha)
An open source Firebase alternative