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Sandra Carden
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Thanks for making this app, Mikel. The only thing about it that I don't care for is that it indicates SNOW again today. It's late April, for goodness sake. (It is accurate, though.)
An adorable new weather app for iPhone and iPad
Sandra Carden
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I like it, I read it, and I learn from it. And, thankfully, it does not seem to have any particular political agenda (unlike the super-"progressive" theSkimm).
Token Daily Newsletter
The top crypto news summarised daily - 'theSkimm for Crypto'
Sandra Carden
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This app is a grandparent’s dream come true. Just sent it to my daughter so that she can measure my granddaughter’s feet. Cute little girls’ shoes, here we come.
FeetMeter / Shoe Size Meter
App to measure your feet and check your shoe size
Sandra Carden
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A friend used EBTH for an estate sale, and she had a fantastic experience.
Everything But The House (EBTH)
Buy and sell one-of-a-kind items from the best estate sales
Sandra Carden
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So much to love about this. I can picture myself this a lot. Been cooking for a long time--self-taught, will be great to learn from pros right at home. Great concept for everyone who eats.
Learn skills and recipes from expert chefs
Sandra Carden
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Thanks for posting this, @erictwillis. I can recognize an appealing color palate, but am totally challenged in creating one. Viewing all sorts of web sites will help me.
Stylify Me
Helps designers gain an overview of a site's style guide
Sandra Carden
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Ooooh, fun! I didn't see a "skip" feature (would like one). Select the country, decade, then Slow, Fast, Weird, or None, and enjoy! If you create an account, you can upload music (maybe share and like). I want to listen to this all day.
Go back in time & listen to hit song from around the world
Sandra Carden
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Makes me want to go somewhere! I just read all the details about this carrying bag and also the 70 comments at indiegogo, wow wow wow. Congrats on a super successful campaign. I'm curious about what it looks like on the inside.
World's first smart, connected carry-on luggage (pre-launch)
Sandra Carden
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I have had a lot of great experience with Craftsy. Much of the content (videos, patterns, etc.) is free. Some of their topics are drawing, sewing, gardening, photography, knitting, woodworking, food & cooking (artisan bread, anyone?). I've learned so much from the many free and $ classes I've taken. Instructors respond to questions even long after the class first becomes available. Oh and...
Lynda for Crafts and DIY
Sandra Carden
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Loved the video. My "coffee palate" is not sophisticated enough to appreciate this and, along with the price, it's not for me, but this is a visual delight. I am going to pass this along to a friend who is more sophisticated in all things coffee.
Ratio Coffee Machine
Ratio is smarter than your average coffee maker.
Sandra Carden
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Your descriptions of the fabrics and shirts are irresistible! I hope to place an order for some women's v-neck t-shirts. One note: I didn't find sizing info (women's shirts), something that I think most people would need before ordering. Thx!
Wardrobe essentials made from the world's best fabrics
Sandra Carden
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This mom asks whether I can remotely install it on my kids' phones and have Contact Mom weekly already set up? Just kidding, sort of. Love this idea; see lots of uses of it for me in several areas of my life. Thx!
A simple app that reminds you to keep in touch with people
Sandra Carden
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I might be related to someone who could really use this. I like that it's more than a wake-up call.
Morning Person
Get a wake-up call from a real person (pre-launch)
Sandra Carden
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Yes, please, for an iOS version. Looks fun. Thanks for making it!
The tap mini-game that will drive you crazy.
Sandra Carden
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One of (almost) everything, please.
Regional, Gourmet Food Delivered