Sandra Idjoski

Sandra Idjoski

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Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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There's a new one coming out soon - 😄
Rohan Chaubey
What are some cool travel apps that you have known?
Rohan Chaubey
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Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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Congrats on the launch @dkaleta! What do you have planned next for Topcis?
Turn your favorite topics into personalized Spanish practice
Sandra Idjoski
The first-ever multimodal AI video clipping model that can find any moment from any video using natural language prompts. Search through your video to find any moment and edit in a powerful video editor.
Find any part of any long video, turn it into a social clip
Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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Love the product, what do you have planned ahead? 🚀
All-in-one business planning software, powered by AI
Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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This would be great! We have an active blog and always looking for ways to improve it, how about we connect on LinkedIn?
Olatz Urrutia
Seeking Collaboration Opportunities: Are SaaS Businesses Open to Guest Articles and Link-Building?
Olatz Urrutia
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Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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Did they mention if we can apply to host events in our countries? 😄
Business Marketing with Nika
Did you know that Product Hunt...?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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Looks beautiful visually, what are your future plans for Retable? 😄
Airtable alternative - one tool to replace them all
Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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If I have the funds, fast and good 😂
Boris Markarian
Fast, cheap, good - choose 2 options
Boris Markarian
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Sandra Idjoski
Sandra Idjoski
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We've raised $1,2M in our first round 🚀 AMA

Hey hunters, Raising money, especially if you're not in any of the hotspots in the US or Western Europe, has been hard in the past year or more. This is our first round and while it took us a bit more time than expected when we first started, we now have some amazing investors onboard. If you have any questions, need any help, or feedback - let me know in the comments ⬇️ P.S. We're also...
Sandra Idjoski
Collabwriting turns a messy browser into seamless team collaboration 💛 Collect snippets of information from anywhere online (even books and videos), attach your own insights, and create a dynamic knowledge system for your team.
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