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Samuel Rowe
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Hi everyone.
I’m Samuel, a 21-year-old student from India. I am the creator of Blogcast, a platform for micro-podcasts. In this post, I basically talk about my journey so far. I would love to hear your feedback!
One night, after working for 12 hours, I came across an article on I thought to myself if I could consume all their articles, I would probably become better at...

Where people come to find insightful micro-podcasts

A blogcast is the audio equivalent of a blog, and shorter than a traditional podcast.
● Subscribe and listen to your favorite channels
● Enjoy curated blogcasts just for you
● Browse popular and trending blogcasts
● Stream blogcasts anywhere, anytime, for free

Where people come to find insightful micro-podcasts

Samuel Rowe
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Hubble Subscriptions offered an easy-to-integrate subscription management service to startups and businesses, with a variety of customer acquisition and retention tools (or at least they were in our product road map). We participated in Y-Combinator Build Sprint in our second month. Ultimately we ceased operations as we did not find a USP.
We made our source code opensource yesterday...

Hubble Subscriptions
An opensource subscription management platform

Hubble offers an easy-to-integrate subscription management service to startups and businesses, with a variety of customer acquisition and retention tools.
The best part? It is opensourced under Apache License v2.

Hubble Subscriptions
An opensource subscription management platform