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It got 60 upvotes. That's huge for me. Thanks people.
Honey Tree
Manage the boilerplate code without headaches
As a developer, setting up a project is the worst thing for me. So I started working on "Honey Tree", a tool to manage the boilerplate code (the basic code setup for projects).
You can use Honey Tree now. But it's not fully developed yet.
Honey Tree
Manage the boilerplate code without headaches
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Honey Tree
Manage the boilerplate code without headaches
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@_mattstuddert I have an idea to improve FrontendMentor. "Community-made challenges". If it happens, I will have many more challenges that I can solve (others would too)
Sorry for my English.
Frontend Mentor
Improve your coding skills by building real projects
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Xcode 11
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