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@tanaykothari This looks promising, well executed :)

Wispr Flow
Speak naturally, write perfectly & 3x faster in every app

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It's important because updating provide benefits, like security, performance while browsing websites (if you have seen chrome speculation APIs rule).
Quick question, do you keep your browser up to date?
Chris Sarca
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Well executed team, this looks interesting

We make raising startup capital easy using community & AI

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Good Job guys, this looks interesting @kathan_desai1

Pentest Copilot by BugBase
Your ultimate AI-powered ethical hacking assistant

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You can explore Audityzy for monitor and optimise website speed
How do I improve my website speed?
shariq ali
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For Everything related to textual Copy of Content
What are you using ChatGPT for?
Mukhil Maran
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Hey you can also speed to monitor your web speed, performance and Accessibility
📌 25 Tips for Improving Website Performance
Cem Özçelik
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Exemplary product, guys :) I will connect with the team to figure out a collaboration.
Nicely executed @harsh_vijay1
Collect visual feedback directly on websites, PDFs & images

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Good one @basharath will check it out
Handle forms easily on static sites without spending a penny

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This looks interesting, I will try it and will ask my team also to look into it @jordan__hughes
Untitled UI Icons
1,100+ free Figma icons for modern UI design.

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Well, for me, it's Auditzy™. Auditzy™ is a website auditing and monitoring tool that also analyses the pre-user journey for the web pages.
We have launched it on Product Hunt today and received some fantastic feedbacks.
Tell me one product that you are proud to have worked on?
ankita singh
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A first-in-class application provides an easy-to-use web page audit platform to technical and non-technical users.
Now you can monitor your website Performance, SEO, PWA, Accessibility, Security Vulnerability, and Technology without any hassle and in seconds.
Now you can monitor your website Performance, SEO, PWA, Accessibility, Security Vulnerability, and Technology without any hassle and in seconds.

Analysing web & the pre-user journey

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Hey Product Hunters! 😻 My name is Shubham, and I am the founder & CEO of Auditzy™.
Today we are super excited to share Auditzy with you, and we are thankful to everyone involved in this journey!
Before I dive into the details, I would like to remind you that we have a special 30% discount on all plans just for today! & If you have any questions, please book a live demo with me at:...

Analysing web & the pre-user journey