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Ryan Minnick
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Sounds like a cool product, been unavailable all day with an "OpenAI is overloaded" just FYI

My AI Domain
Great businesses start with great names

Ryan Minnick
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Very, very excited to see Keybase here. Their filesystem and now chat are on-point. They set out to make encryption and verification possible for the masses and it's amazing to see the progress,

Keybase Chat
End-to-end encrypted chat built into Keybase

Ryan Minnick
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Has anyone clarified if SmartSync is still making changes at a deeper OS level like Project Infinite? I'm not thrilled about giving Dropbox privileged access to any part of my OS - especially for a proprietary/unaudited piece of software.
Dropbox Smart Sync
Get access to every file and folder shared in your Dropbox

Ryan Minnick
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Price was right to impulse spend and satiate my curiosity. I'll report back once I've tried them. Looking for:
- Audio quality equivalent to earpods (acceptable, but not out-of-the-park)
- Battery life (4hrs is the claim from the site)
- Connection quality - many products in this space have issues staying connected to the device in question (the antennas are impeded by the fluid/mass of your...
Wireless earbuds that just work. AirPods alternative

Ryan Minnick
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We use HelpScout and love it. The rules are simple to implement and tickets stay organized.

Help Scout
Help desk software for a more human & helpful experience

Ryan Minnick
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I would recommend detailing security/encryption implemented on your product site. Anyone that realizes they should be using a password manager should also be looking for an understanding on how that information is secured.

Avast Passwords for Mac
Free password manager from Avast

Ryan Minnick
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As the son of a master carpenter, it is nice to see SUDACAS offering this product at a fair price (even the quoted post-Kickstarter prices) - especially given the quality of material and labor that goes into the finished product.
Sticotti Shelving system
The only bookshelf you'll ever need

Ryan Minnick
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It seems many of these apps are all missing one feature or another that would make them perfect - I like Droplr for annotations (faster to get to annotation and share than Skitch), but I can't use my own storage or a service like s3 for my files. I like Infinit, but they don't offer a built-in annotator. I like Skitch, but it's a pretty big clunky app for what it does. Screenie seems to...
Drag screenshots right from your menubar

Ryan Minnick
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tl;dr: Polymail is the best email client for OS X and iOS and it hasn't publicly released yet. Get excited.
Iterate. Ship. Engage. Listen. All four are qualities that are essential to producing a world-class product. By taking a problem that everyone has and applying great design and smart technology, Polymail has created a fully-viable replacement for *all* third-party mail applications in...

Polymail iOS
Simple, beautiful, powerful email for iOS