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Robert Stephens
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Sometimes you see an idea that seems so simple, you ask why don't we already have this? I love the bold vision, yet its simple implementation, especially how there is no cloud sign-ins required or used to make this work. Magic. Instantly makes me want this across all of my devices. 👏🏻

The search engine for your life

Robert Stephens
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I absolutely love this product! I think it's the first app to fully realize the iPad's potential. Now with 2.0 you get to try this on Mac desktop too. Where do I start? The text blocks which are a huge breakthrough? Nested blocks? SYNC actually works - and uses CRDTs which you will be hearing more and more about, with a focus on "local first".
I rarely post on here but this product is worth...

Muse 2.0
Whiteboarding, notetaking, and connecting the dots

Robert Stephens
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Highly is a great app. I've been using it since beta and it has been polished so well all along. This really fills a gap between twitter and Pocket. It's kind of lazy to share article links on twitter & Slack, so this is a way to not only prove you have read the article, but your colleagues will appreciate you saved them time (the app even tells them how many minutes to read the highlights...
Highly for iOS
Medium-style highlighting in every app and website. 🖌

Robert Stephens
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I love this app. A simple, excellent way to use technology in the most effective way to show you truly care: remember their name and face.

Remember people where you met them

Robert Stephens
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This is a good start. Reminds me of HandPick - which is similar. I think a Search function is essential, especially as the content grows.
Using location to filter for seasonality would also be helpful. Help me discover and eat what is near me right now. Further, link me to your helpful articles on prep, storage, re-use, etc.

The best thing to happen to cooking since recipes.

Robert Stephens
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Great idea. And I'm sure @mgsiegler was going to suggest this but integration with Amazon Echo would very interesting to see, I mean hear.
Record bite-sized podcasts that anyone can join ⚓

Robert Stephens
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I love this product. It's so well done on ios. Web also looks great. I definitely encourage you all to try this if you have been looking for an easy database system.

Airtable for iPad
As flexible as a spreadsheet. Built for the iPad.

Online publication, built for discussion around all bots

Robert Stephens
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I wanted to share a story about why I'm so excited about messaging.
It's 2009, and I've been at Best Buy 7 years since selling Geek Squad to them. I'm sitting in a meeting where some PR firm is pitching their next year's projects for Best Buy. The bid? 3 million. As I was oft to do, I'm on twitter - watching pissed off customers tweet one problem after another. I turned to Best Buy's CMO at...

Bring the best services to your favorite messaging apps

Bring the best services to your favorite messaging apps

Robert Stephens
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This is one of the most interesting and exciting attempts to improve the whole notion of customer service. I love the simplicity and low friction approach. I want to see this become a standard.

Service on iOS
Customer service issues solved for you, on demand, for free

Robert Stephens
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I just want to state for the record, I fucking love this.

Dumb Cuneiform
Your tweets inscribed on cuneiform tablets.

Robert Stephens
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Doppelgänger is a better product name.

Twin Strangers
Find your lookalike from anywhere in the world

Robert Stephens
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so how can users create a moment on mobile,web etc? It's not clear.
Twitter Moments
Follow along with current events

Robert Stephens
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My fav all time most important app. No price is too high. Wish list: Load Thumbnails switch when on WiFi (to save battery&data). 3D Touch. (Like 3D Touch on activity items for quick preview)

Tweetbot 4
The Twitter app w/ personality, reimagined for iOS 9 & iPad

Robert Stephens
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I like the storytelling aspect here. I also think the Amazon-affiliate model has worked well for @brainpicker and Canopy. My only suggestion to the founders: For the stories to truly inspire - show me also some of their possessions that mean something to them that are NOT for sale. Heirlooms, sacred objects, items of only intimate, sentimental value. Just seeing a list of items that are new and...

Most interesting possessions of the most interesting people

Robert Stephens
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Not gonna lie. I'm a proud picnic-er. So this gets my vote. Even if we solve time travel, colonize planets, and get flying cars - picnics will be around in 10,000 years. It's the cheapest, best way to eat with friends. This startup also gets bonus points for being based in New Orleans.

Merienda Picnic
Fully stocked, on-demand picnics

Robert Stephens
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Yes - this post needs to be edited to reflect that it is only Export from Spotify in CSV format. Itunes requires XML format to import.
Can we get a clean Spotify > iTunes Playlist migrator? I know I'd happily pay $20 to have my playlists effortlessly migrated.
Who's up for this challenge? It would be nice to launch the first Product Hunt-drive and funded product.

Export your playlists from Spotify

Robert Stephens
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I love this product idea. I think it fits a perfect hole: the "latent" status model. I don't want to "push" to my friends, but rather let them "pull" my availability. Most of the time I'm likely available, but not enough to reach out and attempt to organize anything.
I could see this extending beyond social, into pickup sports like tennis, basketball, cycling, etc.

Share your availability and get more time with friends

Robert Stephens
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I love and really like this product. It has a lot of potential. Twitter is my short-term memory. Google is my long-term memory. A lot of us likely have worse memories because of this. Eidetic offers an interesting way to assist us in remembering names, facts. etc.
My only wish that is missing from this app - is the ability to add images (faces) with accompanying quiz to test me on...

Eidetic for Apple Watch
⌚️Watch out! It's time for total recall.