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Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters,
I am happy to finally present to you SYNDEO - the first Client Engagement & Analytics platform created specifically for Chrome Extensions!
Having developed a few Chrome Extensions within the last years, one aspect that I found to be always lacking is the Analytics available to the developers to get a better understanding of how the users are interacting with your product....

Client Engagement & Analytics Platform for Chrome Extensions

Syndeo is the first Client Engagement and Analytics platform designed specifically for Chrome Extensions.
Store and visualize your custom data - get valuable insights on your user's experience.
Design and automate personalized notifications for your users.

Client Engagement & Analytics Platform for Chrome Extensions

WebReader AI is a chrome extension that brings back the value of online reading to the user.
With personalizable displays and equipped with state of the art AI capabilities this fully browser-integrated application enhances your reading experience.

WebReader AI
Enhance your online reading experience with WebReader AI

Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters!
I am excited to share with you my most recent project today - WebReader AI š
This Chrome Extension has for main goal to enhance your reading experience online.
As someone who reads a lot of articles, blog posts, reviews etc... I was looking for a tool that could help remove all the excess "noise" on the page, tailor my reading experience to what I wanted, and also allow me to...

WebReader AI
Enhance your online reading experience with WebReader AI

WebReader AI is a Chrome Extension that allows users to efficiently read and interact with text online.
With its AI features as well as the personalized displays, it fully enhances your browsing experience.

WebReader AI
Enhance your reading experience with this AI powered tool

Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters!
I am excited to share with you my most recent project today - WebReader AI.
This Chrome Extension has for main goal to enhance your reading experience online.
As someone who reads a lot of articles, texts, reviews online, I was looking for a tool that could help remove all the excess "noise" on the page, tailor my reading experience to what I wanted, and also allow me to get...

WebReader AI
Enhance your reading experience with this AI powered tool

Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters,
As a solo developer I have worked on many small projects in my free time. When I started this new project, Intelligent Search, I had no real expectations on the outcome. However, the simplicity of this chrome extension is what makes it perfect to use. I would love any feedback you can give me on this product.
Here is the basis of why I started this tool:
I realized how much...

Intelligent Search
Optimize your Google searches - faster and better results

Intelligent Search is a chrome extension that strives to produce optimal search queries. From a long text, we determine the meaning of the sentence as well as keywords to narrow down the search and leveraging google query Syntax we produce the optimal query!

Intelligent Search
Optimize your Google searches - faster and better results

This chrome extension helps you automate your pull request reviews. It generates suggestions fore code optimizations and allows you to add comments directly.
Using AI we are able to detect the "easy" optimizations allowing you to focus on the important code

Pull Request Review Helper
Optimize pull request reviews and focus on what matters most

Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters!
I am happy to launch today a product I have been working on for a little while - ReviewHelper.
The idea behind ReviewHelper is to automate the tedious parts of reviewing code pull requests, and allow developers to spend time focusing on the important and non trivial code.
This product can be used to self evaluate your own code before adding reviewers to your pull request...

Pull Request Review Helper
Optimize pull request reviews and focus on what matters most

This chrome extension tackles a very unique issue, submitting forms that have been autocompleted. A lot of websites won't allow you to submit forms with "blue" fields. One-Click Submit automatically changes the status of all those fields to submit instantly.

One-Click Submit
Submit Autocompleted forms in one simple click

Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters,
This has to be the simplest product I have ever created but nonetheless I wanted to share it with you here today. I came up with the idea to implement this after having to go through a long form and click one field at a time to remove the "blue" autocompleted status of each field. There has to be a more efficient way of doing this! If you ever had this issue, this extension can...

One-Click Submit
Submit Autocompleted forms in one simple click

My Browsing Habits monitors your web surfing activities automatically, keeping you accountable. Activities can be tracked in a customizable way offering a unique experience for each user. All the data can then be revisited in personalizable graphs and tables

My Browsing Habits
Automatically detect your browsing trends and habits

Romain Boudet
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Hello Hunters!
I am happy to introduce My Browsing Habits, a chrome extension who's purpose is to bring insight into your everyday browsing without having to lift a finger. Have you ever gone down a youtube rabbit hole? How much time did that really take out of your day? Curious about how many purchases you made online this month? Can't remember the name of that recipe you used the other day?...

My Browsing Habits
Automatically detect your browsing trends and habits