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Rob Woodbridge
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Started using this early and then it became often. There is a nuance to building "yet another note taking app" and where Bloks succeeds is in the stuff it doesn't try to do. Focused on gathering the information that you need at the time you need it -- all the RIGHT information -- Bloks has become my brain with very little setup or maintenance effort...just the way I like it ;). Thanks for...

The AI-powered productivity assistant

Rob Woodbridge
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Hey @brandonwaselnuk @karlclement @domcoballe - congrats on the launch gents!
Discuss and understand your code base from within your IDE

Rob Woodbridge
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VERY happy to see native apps for all platforms now. Congrats and thanks @erinblaskie @aydin_mirzaee !
Fellow Desktop & Mobile Apps
Fellow, your meeting agenda app is now on Mac, iOS & Android

Rob Woodbridge
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We cover lots in episode #273. On the show: Poster in motion for the film Creative Control; acquired Yodle; Alibaba invests in Groupon with them knowing; Mitsubishi’s mid-air display – it’s like magic; In case of emergency call your nearest WaffleHouse; Walgreens gets deeper into beacons; raises $5M clams; Foursquare +; Exterion pulling O2 customer data for OOH...

This Week in Location Based Marketing #273: In case of emergency call your nearest…WaffleHouse?
The top 10 location based marketing stories of the week

This Week in Location Based Marketing #273: In case of emergency call your nearest…WaffleHouse?
The top 10 location based marketing stories of the week

Rob Woodbridge
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The BEST email client for iOS - hands down. Freaking love it.

Spark by Readdle
Fast, smart and beautiful email client for iOS

Rob Woodbridge
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Congrats Mike and Liam!
Insights about the people / companies you're emailing

Rob Woodbridge
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Welcome to episode #272. On the show: Amazon’s Treasure Truck hits the streets of Seattle; Gemalto launches LinqUs IoT platform; Lady Gaga teams with Intel for David Bowie tribute at the Grammy’s; KeyDuino means fist bumping your car to unlock it; MicroChippy and Bubbledogs create a pop-up Canine Cafe; Going Hongbao for Chinese New Year’s; ParkHub & Verifone parked a s**t ton of cars at...

This Week in Location Based Marketing #272: Gaga, Intel and Bowie…#DoesNotCompute
Top mobile and location based marketing stories of the week

This Week in Location Based Marketing #272: Gaga, Intel and Bowie…#DoesNotCompute
Top mobile and location based marketing stories of the week

Rob Woodbridge
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One of the best TWIST episodes I've listened to. Jason kills this interview.

This Week in Startups - Ep 622: Alec Ross
Great episode with the author of Industries of the Future

Mad Genius
A manifesto for entrepreneurs

This Week in Startups - Ep 622: Alec Ross
Great episode with the author of Industries of the Future

Rob Woodbridge
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This is episode #271 or This Week in Location Based Marketing with Asif Khan. This episode features the following stories for your listening pleasure: Order Domino’s from Amazon Echo; Los Angeles GeoHub; Citymapper raises $40m; Ace Hotel + WeTransfer; Starbreeze’s Starcade virtual reality arcade; Geofeedia raises $17m; Land Rover’s #hibernot Instagram campaign; and Micello team up;...

This Week in Location Based Marketing #271: Coming into Los Angeles
Top location based marketing stories of the week

This Week in Location Based Marketing #271: Coming into Los Angeles
Top location based marketing stories of the week

This week in Location Based Marketing #270: Shazaming your neighbourhood
Top location marketing stories of the week

Rob Woodbridge
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Not sold on the fact you need a Facebook account AND you need the app to accept a meeting. Too many steps added to simply accept a meeting request.

Simplify scheduling: You’ll never plan differently.

Rob Woodbridge
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Really enjoyed this book. Insights into those ball players on the rise and those on the decline. Baseball fan or not, this book is full of great stories.

Where Nobody Knows your Name
Life in the minor leagues of baseball