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Listiee is your platform for broadcasting any kind of lists.
Published Lists can be personalized & customized for it's category, geographical reach, privacy, contribution etc,
Join us for sharing your lists, building new audience & connecting with people.
Platform for sharing lists & well categorized links

Since the pandemic triggered steps were taken by Indian Government to tag city's and districts as Hotspots, Green, Red & Organe zones etc depending on Covd cases & we saw people seeking that info on the maps. So we built this for the public.
Covid19 Maps by Listiee
Covid19: Essentials on map

Listiee is your platform for publishing lists and digital curations.
Lists can be customized for it's category, geographical reach, privacy, contribution etc. You can now reach & build your audience / community via another different medium.
Listiee - Beta (Subscribe)
Platform for broadcasting your Lists & digital curations.