Rishabh Goel

Rishabh Goel

Making Global Payments Effortless
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Rishabh Goel
The Feature Prioritization Tool uses the RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) framework to help SaaS product teams prioritize product development efforts.
Product Prioritisation by Dodo Payments
Product Prioritisation by Dodo Payments
Prioritize product development, effortlessly
Rishabh Goel
This tool allows SaaS companies with a freemium model to evaluate the ROI of offering free users versus the revenue generated from converted paying customers. It provides clear visibility into the viability and profitability of freemium strategies
Freemium Calculator by Dodo Payments
Freemium Calculator by Dodo Payments
Evaluate ROI of free users versus paying customers
Rishabh Goel
Rishabh Goel
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Our team definitely needs a shared inbox. Excited to try this!
The best way to jam on email as a team
Rishabh Goel
The SaaS Pricing Calculator helps you determine your product's most effective pricing model. We have three models: 1. Competition-based 2. Cost-based 3. Value-based
SaaS Pricing Calculator by Dodo Payments
SaaS Pricing Calculator by Dodo Payments
Determine your pricing model in 60 seconds
Rishabh Goel
Rishabh Goel
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Amazing product by Kushal & Amit!
FastTrackr AI
FastTrackr AI
Your AI Executive Assistant on WhatsApp