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Get inspired by 100+ real student profiles with essays, scores, and activities. Learn proven strategies and insights to craft applications that secure top university admissions. Start your success journey now with Examplit!
Unlock 100+ winning college applications

Rishab Gupta
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Hey, Product Hunt!
After serving over 1M users in 85 countries with, we’re incredibly excited to share our latest project Examplit!
Through our journey of helping millions of high school students, we have heard applying to colleges is confusing, overwhelming, and often demoralizing.
So we set out to fix that. We believe every student deserves a clear roadmap and a little...
Unlock 100+ winning college applications

Rishab Gupta
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I want to build a streak on Product Hunt, but I keep forgetting. Just created a simple tool that emails you a reminder to log into Product Hunt everyday. Give it a try!

Get a daily email reminder to log into Product Hunt

Get a daily reminder to log into Product Hunt

Get a daily email reminder to log into Product Hunt

Rishab Gupta
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Here's a simple tool I created to get a reminder to log into Product Hunt every day, give it a try: https://dashboard-mailamp.onrend...
What do you do each day on Product Hunt?
Ghulam Abbas
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Rishab Gupta
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Ship fast + build in public
What's one piece of advice you'd give to your younger self about building products?
Rupal Saini
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Rishab Gupta
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Friends/family and friends of friends are your best beta testers.
How do I get my first 100 customers in a mental health tech startup?
Ridwan Timilehin Oyenuga
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Rishab Gupta
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See who your audience follows. Then start commenting/reposting tweets of famous people that your audience likes.
What is your advice to grow a startup Twitter page?
Benjamin Sloutsky
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Rishab Gupta
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It depends on your user base and what platform they mostly use. For example, hacker news/certain subreddits might be a good platform to find beta testers for a dev-ops platform.
How do you find leads to beta test your product?

Rishab Gupta
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Naval Ravikant. His podcast with Joe Rogan is really good
Favorite entrepreneur speeches/podcasts?

Rishab Gupta
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what do you think about AMP emails to engage your customers better?
Email marketing having an ROI 4400% ?!
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Rishab Gupta
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Really depends on your target audience. How would you compare email marketing to whatsapp marketing?
What is the most effective way to market a D2C brand?
Shreya Gupta
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