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Rex Anthony
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A nice release by, you guys keep innovation at its peak. Excellent work!

Chat by
A smarter ChatGPT to help you get more done

Rex Anthony
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This is an exceptional idea. Congratulations 🎉

Audience Feedback for Creators
Get questions/feedback from your audience directly to Notion

Rex Anthony
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Wow, I remember that you posted a snippet on twitter. Your building in public approach is wonderful. Nice one 🎉

SaaS Blocks UI Kit
UI kit for startups to create the perfect SaaS website

Rex Anthony
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Great book. A must read for all indie entrepreneurs

The Embedded Entrepreneur
How to build an audience-driven business

Rex Anthony
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@indianidle Hello Ivan thank you. The app does not store user data. In terms of security, the data is encrypted before it is transferred through the websocket and decrypted when it is received.

Share TXT
Share text between browsers in real time

Share text between your browser windows in real time such as long urls or meeting links across your devices and stay in flow while working online. Simply open the website on both devices and paste your text to share.

Share TXT
Share text between browsers in real time

Rex Anthony
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I wanted to copy a long url from my phone to my computer, but didn't want to memorize the url then transfer it one after the other which would break my flow, so I created ShareTXT, a free tool to help share text between any browser in real time.
It is very easy to use. Simply visit the website on both devices and paste the text to share.
All you need is a browser and an internet...

Share TXT
Share text between browsers in real time