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Roman Weishäupl
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Love the idea. For foreign founders this is a dream scenario! Congrats!
Quick question about the business model. How does one pay back? Is that done automatically?
The O-1 Visa for Founders
The safest way to the U.S. for startup founders

Roman Weishäupl
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It would be amazing if I could integrate the newsletter into slack for my team. Love the new security topic. Making it even more relevant for me. Thanks guys. I m curious to read and learn more.

Inside Security
All the infosec news, curated by a top security journalist

Roman Weishäupl
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I have been on Hello for a while now. At first I was hesitant, why another network? However, I fell a little in love with it. Great photos and interactions with new people. It is fun. It is addictive.
Congrats on the great job Team Hello! Download the app and connect with me if you like!
The story is of the company is interesting as well and I have met @Orkut once. He is such a cool, fun,...

Connect with people who share your interests

Roman Weishäupl
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Great product. Document support is great. My photos are boring.... my docs are not. ;)
Congrats on the new update.

KeepSafe 6
Keep your personal stuff secure

Roman Weishäupl
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I really like Banter. I personally don't go out that much, but when I do I like to know whats going on and I really dislike going from one bar to the other to find something nice.
It would be amazing if bars could live-stream to the banter app. Are you guys working on something like that?

Waze for nightlife- real-time info from bars and clubs

Roman Weishäupl
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Awesome! Great Idea. This facilitates messaging a lot.

Messenger for WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Slack & Hipchat

Roman Weishäupl
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I just started scooting two weeks ago. I fell in love with scooting around San Francisco. It is sometimes frustrating when no scoots are around or no place to park/charge. But all in all it is so fun. I already cant wait for my next scoot trip. I became a real fan and got some friends hooked as well.
I tried it 2 years ago, but there were not enough scoots around my area. I really like how...

Scoot Quad
Shared rides on four wheels with two-person capacity

Roman Weishäupl
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Just tried it out. Curious to see how they will look.

Sticker Mule Test Drive
Get 10 sample stickers using your actual design

Roman Weishäupl
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Hey @ry_brink ! Great tool. However we have some troubles with the automatic report. It only pushes it manually. Any tips?

Google Analytics alerts and summaries in your Slack

Roman Weishäupl
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Great to see those improvements. However, I m not there, yet... I had a few test weeks with DDG and still, search results where not as good as on Google (in my own humble opinion) and I had, to often, jump back to Google to find stuff I searched for. I'll watch you guys and hope you succeed. We need a strong competitor to Google and I believe you guys can do what the Bings and Yahoos could not....

DuckDuckGo: Bang
Search thousands of sites directly from DuckDuckGo

Roman Weishäupl
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I hope they offer multilanguage on one keyboard soon in iOS too. I loved not needing to switch languages on the keyboards in Android.

Swype for iOS
A faster and easier way to input text on any screen.

Roman Weishäupl
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I love seeing how live stream enters so many parts of life now. I think the idea of a short video in dating is great. Lets hope for you Tinder does not copy the idea of a 6 second video flic in their profile. Sorry for trying the app as a guy in a relationship. I promise to stop faking after a trial period. ;)
However the toughest part will be getting to the critical mass.

Dating app with no photos, no bios, no names until you match

Roman Weishäupl
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Nice, one. That makes monitoring the Product Hunt day more easy. A good step towards PH analytics. Good luck guys!

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