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Rachel Ferguson
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My two-year-old daughter did not like going to bed. I tried everything I could think of to lure/lull/bribe her to sleep. Nothing worked. I was tired. It was past my bedtime by the time she slept. Sound familiar?
In a bid to win back my evenings (and my sanity), I tested many of the top-rated bedtime books and found that the right combination of comforting narrative, simple illustration and...

Gugu and Penfin Sleep
A picture book with audio to get small kids to sleep.

A soft and dreamy bedtime book to help lull little ones to sleep. The magic ingredient is the audiobook: a lullaby-like recitation to play on a loop after reading wih your kids. So while they slip off to dreamland, you can slip off for a cup of tea.

Gugu and Penfin Sleep
A picture book with audio to get small kids to sleep.