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With OnlyDfans, you can sell subscription connected to Discord roles with Chargebee or Stripe ! It will take you only 5 minutes ! FREE during beta !

Monetize your Discord with Chargebee & Stripe

Quentin Laffont
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As a developer and as a community owner, I have created many Discord servers to handle every product support 🫂 or to create gaming communities 🎮.
I wanted to create some restricted role to have exclusive content or to have a priority support, but no service exist to handle this. This service need to allow me to assign role if user subscribe to one of my products 💳.
To solve that, I created...

Monetize your Discord with Chargebee & Stripe

Quentin Laffont
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Every time, I discuss with someone, I don't know if it's a fake person or if it is a real person. So I have created a small tool to help me next time !

Who is this Discord - Gamubs
Discover which person is behind this Discord user

Small tool to discover which person is behind this Discord user. This user need to have an account in Gamubs platform.

Who is this Discord - Gamubs
Discover which person is behind this Discord user

Quentin Laffont
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I'm currently running v2 since 2 Months in beta version.
Personally, I strongly recommend to switch Nginx/Apache to Caddy.
Matt Holt and the community have done an amazing job here!
Congrats for the new version! 👏
Powerful, open source web server with automatic HTTPS

Quentin Laffont
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I have created Monity because I have multiple servers with different technology and i want to monitor them. I didn't find a simple open-source project to do that so Monity is born.

Website/Server Monitoring Free & Open Source

Website and Server Monitoring System
- Check Website Status + Response Time
- Check if port is open + Response Time
- Export Metrics in Prometheus
- Send Webhook when status code change (Slack/Discord)

Website/Server Monitoring Free & Open Source

Quentin Laffont
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At Smiirl, we use this software as a developer debugger tool (typically we want to see why our customers have a crash when they are on no Internet environment). Good Team, and love to work with @mehdi_osman (always kind and listening what is your problems and how to solve it with
Session replay tool for developers