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Hedgy is a marketplace of SaaS features available as source codes to include in your project. Using exclusive export technology, you can have full project ready to start in just a minutes! Use only add-ons that you need and save your time with Hedgy 🦔
The ultimate SaaS features marketplace
💪 Push-upper is an application for tracking push-ups using your phone's camera. You can do both personal training and limited time contests with prizes.
participate in Push-Ups practice and prize contests
The biggest Next.js boilerplate project on market. Get a lot of features, components, functions. Get a fully configured auth, db, blog, payments, seo and more out of the box. Easy to start, rich documentation with examples.
MVPfy - Next.js SaaS boilerplate
More time to innovate. Less time configuring.
Publish your business' profitable offers and loyalty programs for your customers. Browse your favorite places and use loyalty cards' discounts & benefits.
Publish profitable offers for your customers
Generate NFT collections by combining your assets. Let our seamless, no-code process breathe life into your NFT collection.
Free NFT Collection generator
Free NFT Collection generator
Generate NFT collections by combining your assets
Generate various NFT collections in different styles using only your keyboard and AI magic. Let our seamless, no-code process breathe life into your NFT collection.
NFT Collection Generator with AI
NFT Collection Generator with AI
Only keyboard and AI magic.