The new web application based on Asp.Net Core 2.0

Each company has problems inside of Software Development Process. It doesn't depend on company size. The difference is some companies cover all expenses and even do not see the problem the others have to decrease the quality of the product to keep it alive or just shut down the development.

It's a reality show to "Pimp Web App". Just imagine how it's cool to see the details of software development in the real life. Join to us, share the project and let's see this amazing stuff.

Software Development Company that owns:
- NakedAuto;
- CatInPhone;
- SkyTechSpace;

OneNight is a project to help people to fulfill a dream in IT Startup world. Ideas come very fast and to make it real you have to work hard.
Same time, it's possible to implement some product just for a one night. Why one night? Usually we have our own life where we can't put another crazy idea. And night we are thinking incomplete stuff.