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  • Priyank Sharma

    Priyank Sharma

    We understand what your customer wants!
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    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Cart Abandonment

    Regardless of how appealing your store is or how perfect the products you sell are... The likelihood of people leaving their shopping carts empty is still close to 70%. Follow this three-message sequence for the best conversion if you want your abandoned cart flow to provide amazing results: 1 Remind customers about their shopping cart. 2. Encourage clients to finish their purchases. 3....
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Never stop marketing..

    Never stop marketing. Regardless of... There's a recession, or sales are sluggish, and it appears like no one is paying attention. There are always potential customers around. If you don't seize them, your rivals will. #marketing #sales #ecommerce #d2c #retail #ai #artificialintelligence
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email list

    Remember to remove subscribers who haven't clicked on any of your emails in the last four to six months. A. They add nothing of value. B. They cost you $$$$ C. They may damage your ability to deliver. Cutting the dead weight from your list won't cost you anything. #ecommerce #customersegmentation #emailmarketingtips #email #retail #d2c #artificialintelligence #ai
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    User Journey Automation

    Customer loyalty, satisfaction, and retention all go hand in hand with customer lifetime value. Create these 3 post-purchase automation right away to increase the lifetime value of your customers: 1. Winback 2. VIP 3. Cross-sell / Upsell #ecommerce #retail #marketingautomation #userjourney #D2C #customerlifetimevalue #automation
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Cart Abandonment

    When should you send your emails regarding abandoned carts? Use the hot iron to your advantage. One to four hours after abandonment is the optimal window for the initial message delivery. The desire to shop, which prompted the "add to cart" in the first place, will disappear if you wait. #cartabandonment #emailmarketing #ecommerce #retail #d2c #ai #artificialintelligence #shopify #magento
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email SPAM Complaint

    One of the main reasons for poor email delivery is SPAM complaints. One complaint per 1,000 delivered messages, or less than 0.1%, is the accepted industry level for a spam complaint rate. Here are 4 strategies for preventing spam complaints: 1. Decide on the Right Sending Frequency 2. Consolidate the unsubscribe procedure 3. Customise and Segment Your Emails 4. Removing or bringing back...
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email List

    One of your most significant marketing resources is your email list. Nobody can take your list away from you, unlike your advertising account. Your advertising account may be terminated at any time without prior notice. Additionally, getting it back up can take weeks, and you have no control over it. Avoid this by concentrating on growing and maintaining your email list right away!
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Marketing

    Every email you send to a consumer "trains" them to act in a certain way. Don't be shocked when you can't sell without a discount if you condition them to only buy when there is one. #emailmarketing #ecommerce #d2c #marketingautomation #userbehavior #retail #shopify
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Sales Funnel

    Customers travel down your funnel as a result of email marketing. On your site ▶ email pop-up Signs up to your list ▶ Welcome flow Active on your site ▶ Site abandonment flow Added items to their cart ▶ Cart abandonment flow Didn't complete their order ▶ Checkout abandonment flow #ecommerce #marketingautomation #customerjourney #d2c #customerengagement #retail #emailmarketing
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    User Journey Automation

    If you don't have complete abandonment flows, your store will lose $10,000 or more per month in income. Each phase of the client journey was satisfied by all 4: Site, Browse, Cart, and Checkout You're losing out on the majority of traffic to your store if you don't have all 4. #ecommerce #d2c #userjourney #emailautomation #customerengagement
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Segmentation is crucial.

    Don't simply send the similar message to your entire list. To increase your conversion rates, customize your campaigns for various clients based on their purchasing patterns, amount of engagement, or demographics.
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Social Proof

    Make a campaign out of your customer reviews Choose your top three reviews and send them to your engaged list Add it to your welcome series if it does well so that all new subscribers may see it Social proof is a simple approach to sell #ecommerce #emailmarketing #D2C #retail #socialproof #customertestimonial #review
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email List

    Your email list is where the money is made Sending a weekly newsletter is the simplest approach to... 1. Nurture Your Audience 2. Build Trust 3. Sell products or services 4. Make more in-depth connections What else would you include? #email #d2c #ecommerce #customersegmentation #retail #emailmarketing #marketingautomation
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Personalization

    This email fact will have a significant marketing impact: When you personalize your emails, you get: 1. Increased open rate 2. Increased CTR 3. Increased client satisfaction Personalize the emails you send. It works like magic. #emailmarketing #emailpersonalization #ecommerce #retail #D2C #emailmarketingtips
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Marketing

    Every element of your email marketing works together. - Your email capture form directs traffic to your list. - Subscribers are drawn to your website by your welcome flow. - Your abandonment flows recover lost sales. - Your post-purchase flow generates repeat customers. #emailmarketing #email #emailmarketingtips #d2c #ecommerce #onlineretail #retail #customerjourney #cartabandonment
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Marketing Optimization

    If you're not regularly optimizing these, your email marketing performance will suffer: 1. Segments 2. Subject lines 3. Design styles 4. Preview texts 5. Send times 6. Copy variations #emailmarketingtips #email #d2c #ecommerce #artificialintelligence #customersegmentation #customerloyalty #revenue #onlineretail #retail
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    The 3 most important email marketing levers:

    ▶️ Consistency ▶️ Volume ▶️ Quality Consistently sending a higher volume of campaigns will improve the quality of your emails faster than infrequently sending out a perfect email. Staying top of mind is where you'll print.
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Deliverability

    Your deliverability suffers as a result of not cleaning your email list. Clear these out on a monthly basis to maintain your deliverability: 1. Unengaged subscribers 2. Bounced emails #ecommerce #emailmarketing #d2c #marketingautomation #artificialintelligence #ai #emailmarketingtips #onlinestore
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Subject Line

    If you're having trouble with low email open rates, When creating subject lines, keep the following in mind: 1 For whom is this intended? 2 What will this accomplish for them? 3 How can I pique their interest? #email #emailmarketingtips #ecommerce #retail #emailmarketing #artificialintelligence #d2c #onlineretail
    Priyank Sharma
    Priyank Sharma
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    Email Revenue

    If your email revenue is less than 20%, it's because... The opt-in rate is low, as is the deliverability. The core flows are not optimized, and the campaign strategy is ineffective. Don't skimp on the fundamentals. Optimize all four to achieve 80% of the results. #email #emailmarketingtips #ecommerce #campaignstrategy #emailmarketing #ai