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Pedro Ruíz
iOS Developer & Indie Game Designer/Dev
96 following
53 points
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Pedro Ruíz
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7yr ago
AI-powered virtual colleague for digital marketers
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
8yr ago
Just downloaded it to check it out and I’ll give it a try. I didn’t see you requesting Health permissions, are you recording mindfulness to HealthKit?
Morning Routine 3.0
Win the morning, win the day!
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
8yr ago
One of the best application for bots I've seen. Great news for the education industry
Duolingo Bots
AI-powered characters to teach language conversation
Pedro Ruíz
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8yr ago
Why wouldn't you want to go through the submission process with Apple? (Now it's 1-2 days and you can get expedited review if you have a valid reason) I think that the review process is essential to keeping the AppStore and its apps with a certain degree of quality and compatibility with HCI guidelines.
AppHub Deploy
Update React Native apps without re-submitting to Apple
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
Great approach to a common problem, are you targeting remote employers as well?
Matching new graduates with jobs and companies.
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
I love any and all products that promote privacy. If the founders are around I'd love to know what inspired them to start ProtonMail and of they've managed to get Edward Snowden to open an account with them.
End-to-end encrypted email - now on iOS & Android
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
Great concept, I've been playing around with task managers and calendars and this is a pleasant surprise. I love the feature for rescheduling events that didn't take place and consciously blocking out time for getting things done. What kind of users do you keep in mind when designing?
Plan 1.0
Manage & organise your life
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
9yr ago
Very interesting concept, what's the hardest challenge you've faced when dealing with accents? I can see an application in Education when searching online and being able to find results from KhanAcademy or TED right on my search without the need for transcription.
Search engine for speech
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
9yr ago
I think this is a terrific idea to work around the hassle of opening up a coffee shop. I'm a coffee roaster myself and would love to be able to take a Wheelys Café out on the weekend to places where it'd be impractical or harmful to the environment to have a permanent setup. What have been the biggest challenges for the team so far? How easy has it been for current baristas/entrepreneurs...
Wheelys 4 Green Warrior
A café on a bike, powered by the sun and the wind
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
9yr ago
I see the use in the physical product when prototyping but I'm worried it would encourage the use of more refined interfaces. I usually use post-it notes on my iPhone and I love the limitations it presents as it forces me to keep it simple. The use case (IMO) remains in the weird stages between Sketch and Analog mockups.
3D printed phone for paper prototyping
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
@bentossell I personally use it the most when browsing emails quickly on the Mail app or when there's something specific I want to do in an app that supports it. Sometimes it's useful to preview links on websites and see if it's worth the read (think TechCrunch)
Peek Pop
3D Touch peek/pop on older iOS devices w/ Swift
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
Cool idea for recycling old phones. What are the benefits vs risks users can expect compared to competitors? (Dedicated cameras) I've never been an Android user myself so I can't try it out, any plans to release something for iOS devices?
Simple home monitoring using spare Android devices
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
I think this is HUGE, coming from someone who avidly listens to podcasts while working out or on the drive to work. Whenever I want to discuss a podcast with someone else it's really hard to pinpoint at what point something was said. This can also be a really good conversation starter for companies where several people want to discuss or implement something that was talked over during the...
Discuss a podcast while you listen
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
First of all, great idea. How do you think that musicians can use this to engage with their audience? It would be amazing if you could peek into album recordings and have musicians A/B test some songs or lyrics with influence from their audience
Twitch for music: live streams from amazing musicians
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
This is basically Twitch for Fitness. I love the concept and the potential it has for people who are too busy/lazy to be able to make it to live classes at their local gym or studio. I can see the potential for integrating data from wearables like TICKR X to allow broadcasters to "coach" the live-streamers. What ways have you thought of integrating interactions with the broadcasters?
The first live streaming fitness platform
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
Simple concept, as many things that go viral. I'm seeing a lot of non user-generated content (generic google images) on the feed and repeated comparisons (such as Apple vs Samsung), what are your plans on keeping it fresh? Does it rely more on keeping Swell open to a close group of friends or is the idea leaning more towards an open focus group?
What’s your opinion? 🐳
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
Looks interesting, does it integrate with the Health app or with the Apple Watch Activity App?
Ignite for iPhone
The most powerful workout tracker ⚡️
Pedro Ruíz
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9yr ago
Really interesting concept, I'm an avid Apple Watch user and love the idea of gaining rewards other than taking care of my health. Why did you choose to take into account only steps and walking/running? Any plans on supporting the rest of workouts included with the workout app? I row indoors everyday and currently I wouldn't get any "WellMiles" for these workouts.
Physio Health
Stay healthy, get rewards.
+1 comment
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
9yr ago
How is this different/better than Forest? I've been using forest to consciously avoid using my phone when I want to focus on something or engage with someone. What are the actionable prompts you provide (if any)?
Track your iPhone usage & digital detox with Gamification
Pedro Ruíz
left a comment
9yr ago
As a home cook myself, I think this beats searching on Google for recipes. There are other recipe apps but I find the targeting and approach interesting. Any information on the list of books available? (At the current PH offer the yearly payment would roughly buy 1 of the books so that's valuable already)
Alta Editions
A subscription cookbook service for home cooks