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This is a book dedicated for professionals who are interested in the growing practice and industry of having third parties invest in legal cases. This book is a perfect and well referenced intro to the topic in England and Wales, and also internationally.

Third Party Litigation Funding: An Intro
Intro to funding & investing in legal cases

Philip Vasquez
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Great idea. Please start this in other cities. As someone who travels frequently lugging around a big suitcase is a very pertinent problem.
Get in touch if you're looking to expand to Gibraltar.

Store your luggage in local shops (in London and Copenhagen)

Philip Vasquez
left a comment
This is awesome - as an individual who speaks 2 languages and whose IP address (because of geolocation) often gets mixed between 2 countries - my internet content is always mixed between English & Spanish, and I can definitely say this is a good way to learn. Hopefully I can use your application to learn other languages - definitely see long term in this - congratulations!
Intelligently integrate language learning into web browsing

Gib Funnel
Automated Crowdsourcing for Gibraltar's Future Post-Brexit

Philip Vasquez
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The value the book tries to bring to its reader is a simple message: don't be fickle with an investment and stick to your guns and gut. The way it communicates this message is somewhat convoluted and could have been condensed.
Whilst the book has brought some value to me, the book contains a lot of fluff and could be shorter and more effective.
3/5 for me.

The 80/20 Investor
Achieve financial freedom by using the 80/20 principle.

Philip Vasquez
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Be warned - this is *not* the Panama Papers leak - but a different leak.

Panama Papers Database
Search the Panama Papers Database

Philip Vasquez
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Recently set myself the task of building a search to learn elastic. This will help the learning experience a tonne. Thank you.

UI components for Elasticsearch

Philip Vasquez
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I absolutely love this! Being an individual who often needs to go between Pounds and Euros, this is perfect. Thank you!

Revolut Beta
Spend, exchange and send money globally with no fees.

Philip Vasquez
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Stories are key to any art of influence. I've realised that the book has been published by the American Bar Association. I've put this on my to read list but I would be interested to see what the use of this would be to UK / Common Law lawyers over US lawyers (as you are given very little to no ability to stray away from an argument in court in Common Law jurisdictions usually, unless its a...

Lawyers, Liars, and the Art of Storytelling
Using stories to advocate, influence, and persuade

Philip Vasquez
left a comment
Loving the site. I look forward to seeing what other locations you put up. @brunohaid are you looking for assistance to expand to setting up in locations around Europe?

The first global co-living subscription

Philip Vasquez
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Congrats @daniellemorrill and team. Must have been a big decision to give free widgets.

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