Guille Paz

Guille Paz

👨‍💻 Frontend Web Developer
11 points


Hello! 👋 I'm a frontend developer with a creative vision and a great passion for technology. I love and keep close track of frontend trends, web standards, web performance, and digital accessibility. Currently, I work as a Frontend Senior Technical Manager at Mercado Libre, where I'm part of the team building the frontend platform used company-wide to create applications with React and Node.js.


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • XStore Games
    XStore Games
    Xbox companion web app to explore games & deals 🎮 🇦🇷
    Mar 2022
  • Web Vitals Leaderboard
    Web Vitals Leaderboard
    Compare your speed against competitors.
    Jul 2021
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJune 27th, 2014