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Paul Vasey
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Looks like a fantastic product. The Swiss Army of Backpacks got my attention. great stuff.

Slicks Travel Backpack
The Swiss army knife of backpacks

Paul Vasey
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The question is, will bit coins be viable worldwide in the future especially as they cannot be tracked and the value fluctuates. Is there another alternative on the horizon?

The App Guy Podcast - 332: Eslam Hefnawy
Bringing bitcoin into the real world in Egypt

Paul Vasey
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Isn't most ideas and products born out the pain suffered, frustration felt and knowing that you could do a better job? My product was born, because it wasnt available in the format that I believed was needed to teach students personal finance without them feeling intimidated. Great podcast.

The App Guy Podcast - 290 : Praveen Chandran annd Naga Surendran
This idea was born out of a pain point I experienced

The App Guy Podcast - 290 : Praveen Chandran annd Naga Surendran
This idea was born out of a pain point I experienced

The App Guy Podcast - 297 : David Whitaker
The Best Pitch Presentations For Startups Die A Thousand Dea

Paul Vasey
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We plan to keep this game free, but need help in geting people to play it. The more people play it, the longer I can keept it free for people to play.

CashCrunch Games
A fun way to learn about money

The App Guy Podcast - 299: Max Kamenkov + Eugene Nevgen
The best episode on app analytics I've ever published

Paul Vasey
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Before taking the leap and leaving the classroom, I used to teach 13 to 18 year olds and found that there was a serious disconnect between money and confidence. For a lot of students, the moment you mentioned finance, they immdediately thought of Math and their barriers went up. I had to convince them that it was indeed money that they handled it everyday. I came up with CashCrunchGames as a...

CashCrunch Games
A fun way to learn about money

CashCrunch Games
A fun way to learn about money