Pat Fives

Pat Fives

investor / builder
81 points
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Pat Fives

Houseparty 1.5 is FaceTime for groups. Now you can make guest lists, name your groups, and group chat away (pro tip: you can even buzz the guest list all at once). Pretend keeping your social circles separate in real life is as easy as separate Houseparty rooms.

Houseparty 1.5
Houseparty 1.5
Live video chat with friends, now with groups and texting 🎉
Pat Fives
Give parents a seat in the classroom
Pat Fives
Daily Kiddo (Beta)
Daily Kiddo (Beta)
The best way to share with your kid's biggest fans
Pat Fives
A living travel journal for your friends back home.
Pat Fives
Cluster 2.0
Cluster 2.0
Private spaces for you and your friends
Pat Fives
Share and create photo albums with friends and family