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Chirag Patel
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Best Mac app maker I have used so far. Love that it supports Chrome extensions. And icons are very easy to set up

Coherence X4
Turn any website into a chromium-based Mac app

Coherence X4 is a powerful tool that allows you to turn any website into a chromium-based, isolated, native application on your Mac. Also allows you to import extensions and profiles from your browser and use them within your created apps.

Coherence X4
Turn any website into a chromium-based Mac app

Convert any Font Awesome icon into a png file and update color, transparency, dimensions in the process

FA2PNG - Font Awesome to PNG conversion
Convert any Font Awesome icon into a png file

• All file formats & ATS platforms are supported.
• Create a feed from any custom website through scraping.
• Monitor thousands of scrapes in a unified dashboard.
• Process millions of jobs in seconds.
• Create & split-test multiple titles for each position.

Feedonomics Job Board Feed Aggregation
Easily Aggregate and Manage Job Feeds

Measure between the following elements: images, input-fields, buttons, videos, gifs, text, icons. You can measure everything you see in the browser.
Get the radius of a circle? Is text standing in your way? Press Alt to measure dimensions of a connected area

A tool for designers to measure screen dimensions

PixelZoomer takes a website screenshot and provides a measuring tool, a zoom and an eye dropper. Provides various tools for pixel analysis. You can zoom into websites (up to 3200%), measure distances and pick colors with an eye dropper.

Pixel Zoomer
Zoom into a web site and measure pixel perfectly

JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
JWT.IO allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT.
JWT.IO allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT tokens

Chirag Patel
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works with popular apps like Slack
Pros: Easy to use, works for most apps
Cons: Doesn't work on all sites

Dark Reader for Safari
Dark mode for every website

Chirag Patel
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Love this
Pros: Easy to use
Cons: No cons

A highly customized dark theme for Chrome Developer Tools

A highly customized dark theme for Chrome Developer Tools

Better Pull Request for GitHub
Side bar with tree view of files changed for a Github PR

Chirag Patel
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Easier to use than Chrome Developer console because you can work with multiple lines easier and transforming into ES5 is great.
Try ES6 Javascript code in browser and transform into ES5
Try ES6 Javascript code in browser and transform into ES5