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Please upvote and comment because I need your support! 🙏
I’m excited to share my first Swift app with you.
This app helps you understand and improve your emotional well-being.
I’ve been working hard on this for 4 months and I need your feedbacks.🤝

Improve your mood and mental health here

Patrick Zhong
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I’m thrilled to launch my first Swift app today. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this app for 4 months and I’m proud of what I’ve created.
I would really appreciate it if you could upvote and comment on this post. Your support means the world to me. 🙏

Improve your mood and mental health here

Patrick Zhong
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44 upvotes! Still going strong!
Come up with new ideas by stopping overthinking

Patrick Zhong
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Woohoo. 35 upvotes! Thank you for the support guys.
Come up with new ideas by stopping overthinking

Patrick Zhong
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Thank you for all the upvotes guys! I would like to share these brainstorm rules from IDEO, so we can brainstorm more great ideas together! Woohoo!
- Defer judgment
- Encourage wild ideas
- Build on the ideas of others
- Stay focused on the topic
- One conversation at a time
- Be visual
- Go for quantity
Here is the original article link from IDEO:
Come up with new ideas by stopping overthinking

Do you often suffer from overthinking while brainstorming?
This tool will help you generate new ideas by blocking the inner critic.
Come up with new ideas by stopping overthinking

Patrick Zhong
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Do you often suffer from overthinking while brainstorming business ideas?
I do.
So I built a tool to help myself to generate new ideas by blocking the inner critic.
How it works:
Choose a prompt or enter your own.
Start writing down ideas.
Keep writing for 2 minutes. Or you will lose what you wrote.
Export your ideas to a text file.
I found it helpful to beat the creative block. I hope...
Come up with new ideas by stopping overthinking

Patrick Zhong
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Soft skills are very important to make your software development journey a success. There’s too much information and it can feel overwhelming. So I created this newsletter to provide weekly curated content to help developers improve their soft skills.
Soft Skills Weekly for Dev
Help developers improve soft skills

A hand-picked round-up of best soft skills links for software developers every week. Free.
Soft Skills Weekly for Dev
Help developers improve soft skills

This is a collection of web links that JavaScript developers might find useful, and visit frequently.
If you have good links to share to all of us, please submit in issues :)

Useful links for JavaScript Developers
Web links that JS developers might visit frequently.

Compress JPG, PNG or GIF with the best quality and compression.
Reduce the filesize of your images at once.

Easily compress images at optimal quality in seconds

This Mac app is created for front-end (or mobile app) developers who need a quick back-end for prototyping and mocking.
Imagine...this is like the instant noodle for creating a quick rest api :)

Create a REST API with 0 coding within 10 seconds (MacOS)

Patrick Zhong
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2 days after launch, the site has almost 100 users! Never thought many people would love this idea. Haha. Let's write together!

A simple exercise to get you unstuck

Patrick Zhong
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I built this tool because I really love the idea, and it really works well for me. I don't know if anyone will use this, but I DO know I will use this everyday myself, haha. =)

A simple exercise to get you unstuck

You can overcome block and pursue a more creative life, by just doing one simple daily excercise.

A simple exercise to get you unstuck

Patrick Zhong
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TonyAlarm app is designed to excite you when waking up in the morning.
In order to shut down the alarm clock, what you do is simply follow the instruction and accomplish three simple tasks which are designed to hype your body, mind and spirit.
What you will experience:
1. Alarm sounds - Groovy music beats that hype your brain
2. Task One - Writing positive self-affirmation statement will...

Solution to your waking up problem

TonyAlarm app is deigned to excited you when waking up in the morning.

Solution to your waking up problem

Patrick Zhong
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Do you find that you are most productive while being in coffee shops? Most people do!
CoffeeAM provides various cafe ambient sounds to boost your creativity and work performance. According to a study from University of Chicago("A moderate level of ambient noise is conducive to creative cognition"), the chatter and clatter noise will get your creative juices to start flowing. It sounds amazing...

Boost up your creativity