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Paris Law
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I've been using TidyCal for a few months now and love it. No monthly fee to have multiple booking types. I typically use it to schedule one-on-one calls.
TidyCal 3.0
The simple calendar and booking solution

Paris Law
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I tested the assembly line yesterday and love it. I started with a simple idea of building an email course.
The assembly line had a
-research agent for the topic
-instructional design agent for the course -objectives and outline
-copywriter to write each of the emails.
Looking good so far!
Next I’m gonna try applying the six thinking hats to an idea 💡
Assembly by MindPal
Automate big tasks with a multi agent AI assembly

Paris Law
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Looks like this will save a lot of time. Would be cool to setup agents like a mini “board of advisors

The Agent Hub
AI agents for every task, all in one hub